Chapter 7

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Allison's POV

"How's London so far?" Izzy asked me while sitting down on the couch.  The boys are currently playing video games in the basement.

"It's fucking freezing here." We laughed.

"It can be.  You get used to it though."

"How're you and Cal?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

"He's actually taking me out tomorrow night." She said sheepishly. 

"Omg I'm so happy for you!" I squealed in excitement.

"Ok girl, calm down." She laughed.

"Alright, I'm good now.  Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know, he won't tell me.  All he told me was to dress up."

"Imma do your hair and makeup and pick out your outfit and everything."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes." I smiled evilly.

The Next Day

Today's the day of Izzy and Calum's date. I'm so happy, words can't express it. Even though I met her a couple days ago, it feels as if I've known her for my whole life.

"Allis!  Help!" Izzy yelled while frantically running into my room.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm so nervous.  What if he doesn't like me.  What if he thinks I don't dress right. What if he doesn't like the way I eat.  What if-"

"Calm down, Izzy.  If he likes you, he wouldn't care about any of those things.  Now I'm going to get you ready and you're going to have the best time of your life tonight."

"Thanks, Allis."


3 Hours Later...

"I am finished!  It is complete!" I said excitedly, while standing back to admire my master piece.  "My work here is done." I said proud of myself.

"Holy shit you did amazing Allis

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"Holy shit you did amazing Allis."  Izzy said in astonishment.

"I know." I laughed.

"Thank you."

"No problem.  Anything for a friend."

"Shit! He's gonna get me in 5 minutes!" Iz exclaimed while checking the time.

"Calm down girl, you got time." For the five minutes we just talked nonsense.  We then heard a knock come from outside the bedroom.  Izzy got up and opened it, revealing Calum.  They both literally stared at each other for a solid minute before Calum spoke up.

"You look gorgeous." He said in awe.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"Listen up, Hood," I budded into the conversation," don't you dare hurt her.  If you do, I hurt you. She's my best and basically only friend besides you guys.  I don't want anything to happen to her. I care for her too much.  I want her back by midnight." I said sternly getting closer and closer to Calum each time. He nodded his head vigorously, a scared expression present on his face.

"Good, have fun!" I said changing my mood quickly. Calum grabbed Izzy's hand and dragged her down the stairs.  "Remember to use protection!  I don't want baby Calizzys running around the house." I yelled down the stairs to the couple. "My work here is done." I sighed to myself.  I decided to go into the game room to see what the other boys are up to.  When I walked into the room, I saw Luke and Michael playing a FIFA while Ashton was watching them.  I went and sat next to Ashton, because he looked lonely.


"I thought you're Australian." He laughed.

"I am, but it doesn't mean I can't be multicultural." I laughed with him.

"What brings you down here?"

"Calizzy left for their date a few minutes ago."

"Ah the lovebirds."

"Yep." We then paused the conversation and watched as the other two idiots were screaming at each other. I looked over at Ashton and saw a somewhat hurt expression?  I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at Luke. He doesn't like him, does he?

"Hey Ash, wanna go upstairs?" I asked. He nodded then followed me up the stairs.  I then led him into my bedroom. 

"Sit." I said motioning for him to sit on my bed with me. "I saw the way you were looking at Luke."

"What? What are you saying?" He asked nervously.

"You like him, don't you?"

"N-no." He stuttered.  I gave him a look saying 'I know you're lying' and he sighed in defeat.  "Fine, I do.  You can't tell anyone."

"I won't, I promise.  So, are you gonna ask him out soon?"

"I want to, but he doesn't like me like that.  He's a straight as a ruler." He sighed.

"He's as straight as a bendy ruler." I said.


"Ash, he's not straight, he may not admit it, but he likes guys.  I've known him for my whole life almost.  I've seen the way he looks as guys."



"Thanks, Allison.  You're a great friend, you know that?"

"Now I do."

"I better get back to the boys, you wanna come with?"

"Nah, I'll stay here." I said.  He then walked out the room and went back to the guys.  Will I ever find someone who loves me?

"No, who will ever love you?" The voice inside my head laughed. "Why are you still alive?  Kill yourself!" I got up from my bed and headed for the bathroom.  I walked in and quickly grabbed my blade that I hid in there. Quickly, I stripped of my pants and shirt and sat down on the cold, tiled floor.  I brought the blade up to my thigh and dragged it across. I did this until my thighs and the floor was covered in my blood.  I grabbed a wet wash cloth and cleaned everything up.  I redressed myself and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened.  I sighed once I was laying down on the bed.

Why am I such a fuck up?

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