"Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there's hell over me"
May Include: Swearing, Mature Content, Drugs, Alcohol, and May Be Triggering To Some Readers <3
"Calum Fucking Hood, get your ass up!" I yelled in pain. He quickly jolted awake at my loud voice. Calum looked over at me and saw the state I was in.
"Oh shit." He cursed, "The baby's coming, the baby is fucking coming!" He exclaimed as he started running around trying to get me out of the house to the hospital.
"Call Allis." I whimpered.
"Just fucking do as I say!"
"Okay, okay." He said and raised his arms in a surrender. He then picked me up and brought me out to the car. Once I was in the seat, he ran to the driver's side and began driving. On the way, Calum called Allison through the Bluetooth speaker in the car.
"Hello?" Allison's voice rang through the car.
"Allison? It's Calum-"
"Is everything alright?!"
"Yeah, it's just Izzy-"
"What happened?!"
"She's about to have the baby-"
"Let me finish my damn sentence woman!"
"Don't call me 'woman'."
"Just meet us at the hospital! Bye!" Calum huffed then hung up the phone.
"Hurry up! It hurts!" I whimpered.
"I know I'm going as fast as I can." Calum said calmly as he took my hand into his own.
"Just make it stop." I whispered.
"I wish I could." He sighed. After a few more minutes we arrived at the hospital. Calum ran into the building with me in his arms looking like a mad man. He called for a nurse and in the room I went.
Allison's POV
"Michael get your fucking ass into the car, we're going to the hospital!" I yelled.
"What's going on?!" He yelled while coming down the stairs.
"Izzy's about to have the baby, we need to leave now." I said frantically. I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside to the car. We then left, with him driving. Once we arrived, I jumped out of the car and ran inside.
"I'm here for Anais Marina." I told the woman at the front desk.
"Ah the one with the boyfriend who always worries. You can have a seat in the waiting room, a nurse will call you once eveything is finished. Michael and I then went and sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chairs.
"What happens if the baby isn't okay?" I asked Michael.
"She'll be just fine."
"What if the baby doesn't make it? What if Izzy doesn't make it?" I asked looking Michael dead in the eyes.
"Allison, you need to stop worrying so much, everyone's going to be just fine." He said.
"But so many things could happen, and oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." My breathing began to get heaving. Oh not now! Not here!
"Allison, calm down." Michael said to me.
"I can't, I don't know why." I said.
"Just focus on your breathing." Michael tried to help. Before I knew it, everything went black
I slowly opened up my eyes, but was blinded by the bright light. I instantly shut them, but reopened them. I sat up and looked at the room. Great, I'm in a hospital room. This is just fucking fantastic.
"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned. I got up from the bed and began to look for Izzy's room. Since I was connected to an IV, I had to take the pole with me. I walked out of the room and began looking for the correct room number.
"Ms. Healy, you can't leave your room." A nurse called from behind me.
"I don't care what you say, I need to see my friend." I said and continued walkinh while wheeling the pole.
"I'm afraid you can't do that."
"She just had a fucking baby and I need to make sure she's okay!" I yelled.
"There is no need to yell about this." The nurse said.
"I don't fucking care! Now let me leave now!"
"Didn't take your meds today I see." I turned around and saw Dr. Urie.
"Hey Doc." I said nervously.
"Hello, Allison, go into your room please, it'll only be a few moments then you can see your friend."
"Fine." I mumbled. I grumpily wheeled the pole and walked back to my room. I sat on the bed and waited for Dr. Urie to come in. Not too long after, he walked in and sat down in the chair by the bed.
"What happened this time?" He asked me.
"Panic Attack." I mumbled.
"Again?" He sighed.
"Are you taking your medication for that?"
"What do you mean kinda?" He asked.
"I may forget sometimes." I mumbled.
"Make sure you remember, then we can avoid this. You may go now." He said then took the IV out of my hand.
"Bye Doc!"
"Bye, Allison." With that, I left.
After running through many hallways and going into the wrong rooms, I finally found Izzy and everyone. I barged into the room and saw Izzy holding the baby.
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"I'm here!" I said out of breathe. Michael came over to me and held onto me so I wouldn't fall.
"Where were you?" Calum asked.
"Let's not talk about where I've been let's focus on this cute lil munchkin." I said while going over to Izzy and the baby, "Gimme!" I said while doing grabby hands. Izzy giggled at me and gently handed her baby to me. I softly cooed at the sight. She had Calum's nose and Izzy's eyes, "What's her name?"
"Melanie Allison Hood."
"Bitch shut the fuck up."
"No cursing in front of the baby!" Izzy scolded me.
"Her middle name's my name." I said in astonishment.
"I love you so much." I told her close to tears.
"I love you too." She giggled.
"Hey, Melanie. I'm your Aunt Allison. I'm gonna spoil you and let you listen to my music." I spoke to the small child in my arms, "And I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you, 'cause people are very mean in this world." I sighed, "I'll protect you from all the horrors in the world, no matter what."