"Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
With heaven above you, there's hell over me"
May Include: Swearing, Mature Content, Drugs, Alcohol, and May Be Triggering To Some Readers <3
"Allison! Allison! Where the hell are you!?" I heard Ashton yell. Michael and I were both cuddling, again, in the tour bus, while everyone went out sight seeing.
"I'm in my bunk!" I yelled. I then heard footsteps running towards me. Soon, the curtain was ripped open to my bunk.
"Oh, you're here too." Ashton said referring to Michael.
"Wow, Ash, I really feel the love right now." Michael rolled his eyes.
"What do you need?" I asked him.
"Might as well tell you too, but Luke frickin asked me out!" Ashton squealed.
"Omg!" I exclaimed and quickly got out of my bunk. Ashton and I then jumped up and down while holding hands while saying 'yay' over and over.
"Now I'm sad, everyone's getting into relationships and I'm still single." I pouted and stopped jumping.
"Um, hello?" Michael said.
"Oh yeah, you."
"Why do y'all hate me." Michael grumbled.
"I'm sowy Mikey." I said then climbed back into the bunk and cuddled him.
"I think I'm gonna puke." Ashton jokingly said.
"Shut up you kangaroo." I said.
"Ouch." He said then left.
"So, I was thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight since we don't have a show to play." Michael said.
"I'd love that, what time?"
"How about 7?"
"Sounds perfect to me." I said and snuggled closer to him.
"Wait, how should I dress?"
"Fancy, but not too fancy." He said.
"Okay, I better go start getting ready." I told him and got up. I went to my suitcase and picked out my outfit which was pretty simple. It was an all black dress and my black combat boots.
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I brought my clothes into the bathroom and hung them in the door. I stripped of my clothes and went into the shower. After that, I dried off and started to dry my hair and do my makeup. My makeup was pretty simple too. It was just some foundation, mascara, and eyeliner. Pretty much what I wear everyday. I then slipped in the dress and put my boots on. After I finished, it was almost 7 o'clock. Damn, I took a long time. I made sure everything was perfect before I walked out of the bathroom. I went to the front of the bus and saw that Michael was waiting for me.
"Woah." He said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You look amazing." He said in awe.
"Thanks, you look good too." I giggled.
"Just date already! God!" Izzy exclaimed.
"After you m'lady." I walked out the door, then Michael followed.
"So how are we getting there?" I asked.
"I got us the best chauffeur in the business." He said. He opened the door for me and I climbed into the car. I took a glance at the driver and saw Ashton.
"Wow, I never knew that Ashton was the best chauffeur in the business." I said sarcastically.
"I'm trying here." He laughed.
"I'm sorry." I laughed along. After about ten minutes, we arrived outside this really expensive looking restaurant. Michael got out of the car, then helped me.
"Thank you." I giggled. "And thanks Ash!"
"Anytime, now have fun you two, but not too much, if you know what I mean." He giggled then drove away. Michael laced our hands together and led me inside the place.
"Reservation for Clifford." He said to the person at the front.
"Right this way." She said then led us to a table for two.
"You're really going all out now aren't you." I commented.
"I'm just doing something nice for a lovely girl." He said then booped my nose.
"Never do that again."
"Yeah you're right, it's weird." He laughed. I then continued to scan over the menue, noticing the high prices for food.
"Michael, this is really expensive." I said in shock.
"Don't look at the prices, get anything you want." He told me.
"No 'but's. Get anything you want." He said.
"It's not like I'm gonna eat it." I mumbled to myself hoping he couldn't here me.
"You're eating." He said sternly. I looked up and saw him looking right into my eyes. "You promised me that you'd try and get better." He said with hurt laced in his voice.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's not your fault, I know it's hard, I just worry about you." He sighed.
"Alright let's change the topic to something else." I said.
"Okay, what's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?" He asked.
"Ummm, oh! When I was in fourth grade I wanted to preform in the talent show right? Well, when I got on stage, I puked I front of the whole school because I was so nervous." I laughed.
"Oh the must've been terrible."
"Yeah, I told Luke when I got home and he laughed. What a great friend I've got." I said sarcastically.
After Dinner
Michael and I are now walking back to the tour bus since it's a nice night. Our hands are laced together and we're laughing nonstop. When we got to the bus, we stopped outside.
"I had a great time tonight." I told him.
"Me too. You know what'll make it even better?" He asked.
"And what would that be?"
"This." He said then cupped my face in his hands. We stared into each other's eyes before Michael closed the space between us by connecting our lips together. Our lips moved in sync like we were made for each other. We both pulled away and we were smiling like idiots. The moment was then interrupted by our oh so lovely friends.
"Mallison is confirmed bitches!"
"You owe me $20!"
"Aw fuck." We both laughed at our idiotic friends.
"So, will you be my girlfriend?" Michael asked nervously.
"I'd love too." I said then kissed his lips once again.
"Listen here, Clifford." Luke said walking up to Michael. "I've protected her for years if you hurt her, I won't hesitate to hurt you. Got it?"