Chapter 1|| Cute sweater

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"I win!" I shouted cuz I just won my older brother Ryan in a game of Mortal Kombat 3.

"No fair! My controller wasn't working." Whined Ryan. "Yeah right. I won fair and square and you have to take Alex to school!" I said before sticking my tongue out at him.

In response, he stuck up his middle finger at me. I rolled my eyes before I stood up and went into the kitchen.

My mum came into the kitchen with my annoying 6 year old brother, Alex.

"Which one of you is taking Alex to school today? He's already late." Said mum.

"Ryan's taking him." I replied with a mouthful of corn flakes in my mouth. I heard Ryan groan before he came into the kitchen.

"Alright Alex, make sure you're at your best behavior in school okay?" Said mum.

"Okay mum! Bye!" Replied Alex before he went outside with Ryan behind him.

I chuckled to myself and continued eating my cereal.

"Honey, have you seen my phone?" Asked mum.

"Umm...I think I saw it on that coffee table over there." I replied, pointing at a coffee table behind me.

"Thanks." Said mum as she quickly walked over to the coffee table and picked up her phone before making a call.

I glanced at my wrist watch and realised that I was late.

I quickly finished up my breakfast and put the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

I was on my way upstairs to my room to get my bag and car keys when mum called me back.

"Brook, come see this." Said mum."What is it?" I asked as I walked up to her.

"Your Aunt Esther said I should give this to you." Said mum holding out a box for me to collect.

I collected the box and opened it. Inside the box was the cutest sweater I had ever seen.

"OMG! This is so cute. I love it!" I exclaimed. "Tell her I said thanks." I said before putting the sweater back into the box and running upstairs to my room.


I brought out the sweater from the box and stared at it. Then I looked out the window. It was sunny and the weather looked hot. I stared at the sweater again.

"I can't wait till winter to wear this." I groaned.

"What the hell." I said before I shrugged and slipped on the sweater over my tank top.

I admired myself in the mirror before grabbing my stuff and went to school.


I was at my locker getting my books when Cree, my best friend came up to me.

"OMG! I love your sweater, where'd you get it?!" Exclaimed Cree.

I shrugged. "I don't know, it was a gift from my aunt." I replied.

"Bummer. Your aunt has fashion sense though."

"That is why I love her." I said.

"Anyway, how's it going with you and Josh?" Asked Cree, leaning against the locker beside mine.

(FYI, Josh is my boyfriend).

"Well, he got me these earrings after our date yesterday." I said while holding my earrings.

"Aww, how cute...but mine are better." Said Cree as she pushed her hair behind her hair, making her earrings visible.

I scoffed. "No they aren't." I said.

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