Chapter 3||The Picture

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I parked my car and got out. Almost immediately when I entered school, people started laughing at me.

I was confused. I looked at what I was wearing which was a white shirt that had the number 96 on it with shorts, a red and black jacket tied around my waste and a pair of Nike sneakers and that looked fabulous to me.

I shrugged and continued walking. People who were walking past me we're laughing.
Seriously! What's so funny?!!

Soon, Dre, Aaron and Caleb came up to me.

"Hey Brook." Said Dre.

"Hi." I replied.

"Dallas told us what happened in the locker room yesterday and he said that your boobs are sexy." Said Dre with a smirk.

That snitching bastard.

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone and hopefully Dallas won't tell anyone else." Said Aaron.

"Thanks. Anyway, what's so funny?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Asked Aaron as he brought out his phone from his pocket and turned the screen on. He put his phone in front of my face and I was shocked when I saw what was on the screen.


A picture.

Of me.


Sucking my thumb.



"What the hell!" I shouted.

There was only one explanation for this.

"Dallas!!!!" I shouted as I stormed off.


Dallas was alone at his locker.

"Dallas!" I shouted.

"Hey cupcake, what's up?" Said Dallas.

"You know what's up you idiot." I said as I shot him a death glare.

"Oh! You mean the picture!" He replied with a chuckle.

"It's not funny, Dallas! You're making me look like a fool." I said.

"Actually, I'm making you look like a baby whose giving someone a blow job in her dreams." Replied Dallas before he started laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Just remove the photo from instagram and delete it." I said.

"Say please." Said Dallas.

I let out a sigh."Please remove the photo from instagram and delete it." I said as kindly as possible.

"" replied Dallas.

"Don't go there please." I said.

"Fine....I'll get rid of it."

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

"On one condition." Said Dallas with a smirk.

My smile immediately turned upside down.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You let me see your boobs again." He replied with a smirk.

"I didn't let you see them the last time, you just happen to see them on your own." I said.

"And I must say, it was a wonderful view." Said Dallas as his eyes narrowed at my boobs.

"So are you doing it or not?" Asked Dallas.

"No way." I replied.

"Okay then I guess the pic stays." Said Dallas as he turned around and walked way.

"Wait!" I shouted, stopping him and making him turn around with a grin.

I stuck up my middle finger at him and stormed off.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cuz you have a pretty sweet ass!" Dallas shouted.


On my way to my locker, Josh swooped in and kissed me.

"Hey babe." He said.

"Hi." I muttered.

"Is it the picture?" Asked Josh.

I nodded in response.

"Come on, it's not that bad, I think you look cute."

"Really?" I asked, feeling better.

"Yeah." He replied as he pulled me to a hug.

"Thanks Josh." I said.

"Anytime." He replied before he pulled away and we walked to my locker together.

People we're still snickering. It bothered me a bit but I didn't want Josh to know that.

When we got to my locker, Cree came up to us.

"Brook, I just saw the pic, and you look so cute!" She squealed. "Oh, hi Josh."

"Thanks Cree." I said before opening my locker.

"This picture is ruining my reputation." I whined.

"Sorry bae, it's not that bad. At least it's not like that video of Michael scratching his ass, that Aaron posted." Said Cree before we all laughted.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny and disgusting." I said as the laughter died down.

Just then, the bell rang for first period. I grabbed my book and the three if us went for class.

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