Chasing Her- 5

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Calvin didn't know what to do. What was he supposed to with a phone? He doesn't know how to make a call. He decided to walk in the club and look for Phoenix. He probably knew what to do. Phoenix was sitting alone at the bar, the girl from earlier no longer in sight.

Oh right the girl! I just have to find her so he could tell her he has Dory's phone.

Calvin sat down next to him. Glancing at his friend. He was drinking again.

"Phoenix, where is your friend?" Calvin asked.

"I think she went to go use the toilet," he slurred.

He was about was to go to the lady's bathroom but soon stopped. What was he going to do? Pop in the woman's bathroom. Of course not. So he sat back down and took the seat next to Phoenix, which he assumed was the lady's. His heart was still beating fast and his veins felt alive. When he looked at Dory nothing else mattered. Is what love at first sight feels like? It was like somebody struck him with a love arrow but that was impossible. Calvin didn't believe in love at first sight because he caused that to happen. Calvin didn't want to think.

"You want a drink?" Phoenix asked Calvin.

He did not want to be drunk tonight. This night was already crazy. He didn't need alcohol to see that.

"No thanks."

Phoenix shrugged his shoulders and continued sniping on his drink.

Calvin looked down at watch to see how much time as past. Not much.

How much longer was she going to be gone for?

It felt like a lifetime.

"Excuse me, sir. That's my seat," a female
said behind him.

Calvin glanced to see the person he was waiting for. She blinked a couple of times at him waiting for him to move.

"Sorry," he apologized. He quickly got up and motioned his hand to the chair.

She sat down and set her red tiny purse on the bar. Calvin decided to speak up. This would be the first human interaction for Calvin. He never spoke to one. He doesn't even know what to say. Don't humans greet each first?

"Hey," Calvin said a little too casually.

The girl looked back at Calvin with an odd expression. She nodded her in response and turned around.

Great. She probably doesn't like me now.

Calvin didn't have much time. He needed to be assertive and hurry up. No more wasting time. He only has 24 hours.

"Where'd your friend go?" he asked her, speaking over the loud music.

She looked at him with suspicion. "Why?"

He pulled the cell phone. "Because I saw her drop this."

The girl looked at the phone and then back at him. Then glanced at Phoenix.

"I gotta go. Catcha later," she said to Phoenix. "Come here," she said to me and left.

I glanced at my friend who was hopelessly drunk. He took a cab here and probably wasted his money on liquor. I can't leave him here if he had no money for a cab back home.

I took out my remaining cash and handed it to Phoenix. "That's for a cab," I said sternly, indicating he can't spend it on drinks. Then I disappeared and saw the girl lingering behind. She frowned while looking at Phoenix. But why?

"Let's go," she said.

I followed her out through the door. And into the cold chilly night. I wanted to so badly find Dory and give her phone. Hopefully, we can start something. I just want to talk to her and I'll be happy. Doesn't matter if we start something more.

We were now in a cab, the girl was telling the cab driver where to go. She turned to me and stuck out her hand.

"I'm Olivia."

I didn't even realize I didn't know her name until she mentioned hers. I followed her movements.

"I'm Calvin."

"Klein?" she asked.



An awkward pause. "No."

Olivia squinted her eyes at him. "Then what is it?"

Calvin was beyond puzzled. He had no idea what she was talking about. "What's what?"

"Your last name dummy."

My last name? I don't have one. Now, I have to come up with one on the spot. He moved his eyes around to find anything that could help him right now. He spotted an empty can of beer with the name of Coors Light. He gazed back at Olivia.

"Coors," he said. He hoped and prayed she didn't catch him looking at the beer can.

"Coors," she said testing the name. Then she smiled. "I like it. Mines Johnson."

Calvin doesn't understand why she was telling him this or why she was smiling like that.

Another awkward pause.

"So, where are we going exactly?" he asked, staring outside the window.

"My place."

I have been working on school assignments so I been busy. I don't know when I'm gonna edit this. I'm sorry if there's mistake.

Also, I have like two more weeks of school left and I have to focus on my exams then I graduate! :D so till then I'll update when I can(:

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