Through The Night- 10

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Benji was doing most of the work, Calvin just had his feet on the peddles not putting any effort to move them. He was just staring at the city. Looking at the skyscrapers and how some office lights were still on, he wondered if they have a family to go at the end of the night. Or if some don't have anyone to go home to.

For Calvin, he didn't have a home. And didn't have anyone to go home to. Except his parents. In his heart, he knew that would never change. Until he saw Dory. That changed everything.

Benji seemed like he knew where he was going. He didn't stop to ask what was the directions. Maybe he been there before. Or just knew where everything was. Calvin didn't. He never crossed the bridge before, he was afraid of the other side. But now, he had no fear.

"We're almost there," Benji said.

Calvin looked around and noticed the city lights were still shining through the dark night. Duke lived in a fancy area of downtown Brooklyn. Duke must be rich, even his name sounds rich. Calvin should have known. Benji continued to paddle through the streets, passing by dumpsters and gas stations. It no longer smelled like rats and pizza. Now, it smelled like air, actual air. Where are they?

"We're here," Benji announced as he stopped the bike in front an apartment that a gate in front. Great, how was supposed to get through. Calvin hopped off the bike and glanced at Benji.

"Thanks for the ride."

He smiled and Calvin then noticed he had a few teeth. It looked like three on the front and 2 on the bottom. "No problem. That'll be twenty bucks."

Calvin stared at him wide eyed. "Twenty bucks? I thought you were doing cause you're nice." Calvin felt offended.

Benji laughed. "Relax kid, I was just joking with you."

Calvin felt his body become relaxed. He looked back the building and questioned everything. How was he going to get in? And more importantly, what was he going to say once he saw her?

Hey, I'm Calvin. I saw you at the club but you didn't see me. I followed you and saw that you dropped your phone and I stalked you to follow you here. Yup, he was going to say that. Perfect. Not.

"Do you know what you're gonna do next?" Benji spoke.

Calvin didn't look back to reply. "I have no idea." He glanced around to see if he could jump the gate but a place like this could have cameras.

"Well, good luck to you. I hope everything goes well," he said. Calvin stared at him for a moment and then smiled at him.

"You too."

Benji rode his bike down the street without looking back. Even though he called Calvin kid, which made him annoyed, the man was extremely nice. It was a shame that could have been the last time he will ever see Benji. He wished a more time with him and had more money to give to him.

Since climbing over the gate would be a bad choice. Calvin chooses to do the most human thing possible. He pressed the button that allowed people to come in. He didn't even think, he just did it. Now, he was beginning to regret that.

He heard a buzzing sound and a voice coming from a black box.

"Who's this?" the voice sounded irritated.

And that voice was Wade.

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