Stopping Time- 11

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Calvin was not prepared to hear his voice. He didn't rehearsal what to say. Calvin was so taken back he didn't speak.

He heard another voice but couldn't make out what they said but he knew it was Dory. Then he heard Wade speak, "I don't know who it is."

It was like someone stepped on Calvin's foot, he was more awake and had a lot more courage than ever before.

"Let me in."

"What? Okay no really who is this?"

"I said let me in and you'll find out," he said.

"This fu- okay I'll let you in," Wade said.

Then a few seconds later, he heard a buzzing noise and then the door unlocking. He didn't know what to expect on the other side of the door, but whatever it was. He knew it would be worth it because he got to see her one last time.

He pushed open the door and walked through. He took a deep breath and walked to the front entrance. The cool air brushed against his skin and welcomed him. Just then he realized that he didn't which floor or which room Wade was. So he walked over to the front desk. A lady was the computer typing away.

She glanced at him and smiled politely. "How may I help you?"

"Yeah I wanted to know which Floor Wade..." he didn't know his last name. "Lived on."

"I'm sorry I can't like that information out. "

"Oh I understand but thank you," he said. She went back to typing.

Calvin turned around and saw a very angry looking Wade. Oh no.

But he didn't care about him. He only came here for one person. Where's Dory? He had to see her.

"Who are you looking for?" Wade took a step forward with arms crossed.

"Why does it matter to you?" Calvin said, pushing his buttons.

Wade tighneted his jaw. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here before I slam your face in the wall."

"I need to see Dory."

"You're here to see Dory? How do you know her?" Wade asked, clearly more angry.

"I have something she of hers," Calvin said not backing down.

"Oh? What would that be?"

He pulled out her phone from his front pocket and held it up so Wade could see. Then he put it right back.

"How did you get that?" Wade asked with annoyance. "Did you steal it from her?"

This guy was more stupid than Calvin had thought.

"If I stole it from would you think I would be here right now?"

Wade was stumped for a moment because he knew it was true. "Alright, hand over her phone." He wasn't going to hand him the phone. He wanted the phone to Dory herself.

"No," he said in an authoritative voice.

Wade stepped forward and cracked his knuckles. "Hand it over or I'll make you," he said threatening him.

Calvin didn't know how far could push his buttons, he didn't want to find out. He never been in a fight before. That could all change today.

Wade pushed Calvin in the chest then held him by the collar of his shirt.

"Listen here, you're going to hand me her phone before you walk out of here. That's if you can after I'm done with you."

"You think I'm afraid of you? I met many guys like you. There all talk and no action. I don't care if you beat me until I can't walk. I still won't let you have here phone."

Wade held him more tightly in his fist and growled. "You're asking for it buddy." then his right hand was no longer on his collar, it was set all the way back behind his ear. He looked he was about to strike any minute. But for Calvin everything had stopped. He could see Wade's closed hand was coming at forward to his face but it halted short. Calvin had one super power. And it was the ability to stop time.

He could make it to five minutes to one hour. The rest of the world was in pause, it doesn't affect the real world though. It was like nothing messed with time. I know what you're probably thinking, Calvin could have stopped time when Dory dropped her phone and then he wouldn't be in this mess. But it only works in fight or flight mode. It doesn't make sense to Calvin either but that's how it parents set it up. They didn't want their only son to be in danger. His whole life he was taught to runway from his problems. Not this time.

Calvin stepped away from Wade and looked around for the mailing box. He knew it had to have his room number somewhere. He looked around and saw it was in another room labeled "MAIL ROOM"

There a lot of slots for mail at this building. But he had the time in the world so it doesn't matter. He started on the first row on the first one and looked through the mail to. The mail belonged to some girl named Beverly. He went on to the next one and next one.

He was one the fifth row when he finally hit the jackpot.

Wade Anderson then there was mail for Dorothy Atwood. That wasn't a coincidence. The room number it read on the slot was 512. On the fifth floor. Calvin prayed that the elevator worked here.

He walked out and the elevators was right across from him. It looked to be working. Thank god. He didn't want to go through that again. He pressed the button and the door opened automatically. He stepped through the steel door and pressed the number five button. He waited. He was starting to get nervous his palms were sweating. He literally had the whole time in the world. Nothing could stop him except for Wade but he was frozen.

The door dinged opened and Calvin looked for the room number 512. He walked down the brown carpet and glanced at every door he passed by. He found it! It was the last door on the left.

He held up his knuckles ready to knock then he realized he had to unpause the world. He wasn't ready. He didn't know how he had until Wade was going to come up. He closed his eyes briefly and the world around him continued where it left off.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door without thinking and just doing it.

A few minutes later, the door expanded revealing who's on the other side.

Calvin lost his breath.

I just released this was never published??? I don't know what happened but I'm sorry if it was confusing

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