Chapter 1 ~ A Secret

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                                                               Chapter 1

     Sound of men’s snoring filled my ears. I turned my head towards the window, ignoring them. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I watched the little stars all over the black sky to turn my thoughts away. There was no moonlight, just black sky with no more than ten bright stars. Locked inside this room with all servants who slept on old filthy mattresses, I started to see how poor their life is.

      Yet they never complain. The smell of sweat and rats made me sick, it was disgusting, but to those who lived here it was normal, smell of their sanctuary. They worked all day for no pay, and only had a chance to eat and drink twice a day. By the time their day ended, they were forced to sleep in a room with no floor or beds, allowed to bath only once a week. And yet I think my life crashed down onto me.

     I turned back again, studying their faces. They were so peaceful . . . happy that the day has ended. You probably think I was cruel during my time as a Queen but I've never wanted to have servants. I tried to free them and even tried to help them get baths when no one was watching, but I always failed. Now it’ll just get worse, the new ‘King’ will happily boss them around and play with them like they are no more than dolls.

     “My Queen . . . excuse me, but why don't you sleep? You need to rest.” I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice a man talking to me. His voice was low and full of concern; it was barely even a whisper. He was afraid to speak directly to the Queen…the ex Queen.

     “I'm not a Queen anymore, you have a King now. And I'm the same as you so don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm always here for all of you.''

     Suddenly his eyes flickered to the others, reassuring that they were all asleep. He slipped out of the covers and got up. I raised my eyebrows when he sat down next to me. I could see him clearly now. His black hair curled around the edges of his face and emphasized his shining blue eyes, making me admit he was attractive. His arms were muscular along with his chest and legs. He didn’t have any clothes on except a ragged leather strip around his waist. The man noticed my staring and shyly smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.

       I have never seen more handsome man. A memory came to me, about a year ago. I was in the garden, trying to trim roses for my vase in chamber. They were too high even when I tried to rise on the tip of my toes. Suddenly, a male hand picked the most beautiful rose and handed it over to me. I smiled at the stranger, who looked too similar with this man. ''Thank you.'' ''My pleasure.'' His smile stayed in my memory, and I was glad because I finally met him now. The sparkle in his eyes still remained, I doubt he forgot about that day.

     “You are and always will be a Queen, Amelie. You are a gift from the sky, absolute perfection from Heaven itself. Don't ever forget that. Without you, none of us would be here today.''

     I wanted to believe that I was still Queen. Not because I wanted power over people but to prevent whatever injustice will be made by Christian. All I wanted was to protect my Kingdom and my people, make their lives better and happier. Finding strength in this man’s words meant much to me.

     Trying to catch his name, I smiled.

     “Thank you . . . ?”

     “Gabriel.” I liked his name, it wasn’t very common here. Minutes passed and we were still staring into each other’s eyes, nothing else mattered. It occurred to my mind that we were both digging through our memory, trying to figure out why we were so connected to each other.

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