Chapter 7 ~ Relationships

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                                                                   Chapter 7


     ''What?'' I couldn't believe in what Gabriel just said. I appreciated he was honest with me, but I'm sure he knew it yesterday, maybe even sooner. Christian stood frozen, his eyes were fixed to the floor, far away from my eyes. They both looked serious and eager to see my reaction, will I scream and trash around like crazy or I'll behave normal. I'm not really sure what my own reaction was.

     I thought about my life for a moment and the old good memories came rushing to me. Thought that I won't see my family and friends, at least some of them, in the same time scared me but also made me sadder.

     I remembered how my Uncle told me he hoped I'll remember him once more in my life, like an old woman near her death. I never wished to die this way, I was too young.


    I mustn't be like this, feeling sorry for myself. It's just...wrong. Nobody should think I'm a weak woman, I'm not. I'll be strong and tough, pretend that nothing's wrong, that everything is just fine.

     ''Amelie, are you all right? You're too pale and quiet...we can leave if you want...''

    Christian left his sentence hanging, waiting for my answer. I opened my eyes and noticed how dark the room was, I could only see Gabriel and Christian, it was tougher to see furniture behind. A small smile escaped my swollen lips but it was too late, Christian has already noticed. He done something I never expected, he actually smiled back.

     ''No, you don't have to leave, and I'm fine. You should have told me earlier.''

     The last part was barely a whisper, but they still heard it. Gabriel squirmed on the bed, nervous. They weren't sure how to answer, maybe they thought I was mad at them.

     ''It's okay, I understand. I'm not mad at you.''


    Christian shot his reply right after I said what I wanted, but I could see he felt uncomfortable. On his face appeared a hint of hope, maybe even joy.

      ''Yes, my King.''

     I forgot to be formal with him, probably because I was too surprised by his sudden niceness, so I quickly covered it up with adding ''my King''.

     ''Um...I'm a bit tired so would you mind if I sleep off a bit? Oh, and I'll return to the room I belong, I'll clean and change these bed sheets immediately if you want so, my King.''

     Christian didn't answer me, just kept glaring at me. Finally, he smiled.

    ''No, it's not necessary, stay here until you completely recover. I'll send someone else to change the sheets later, just relax. Like I said earlier, you're return to your obligations after you recover. After all, you need to be strong to protect my Kingdom in the War that will soon begin. We'll leave now. Gabriel...''

     He nodded and left with Christian. It hurt me when Christian said ''his Kingom'', it reminded me I'll only be his helper and warrior, not a leader. My thoughts about war slowly turned into a dream.

      ''Amelie, back down!''

     Christian and Gabe shouted at me while running. Gabe pulled out a tiny dagger he hid in his boot and threw it to me, careful not to hurt me. I caught it easily and using a ripped piece of the dress, tightened it around my waist belt that was full of weapons like daggers, knives, swords... I hid behind a tree and breathed in slowly, relaxing.

    A sharp sound of rustling leaves and rushed steps held my attention and I closed my eyes, focusing on the sound. It was coming from my left, about two hundred meters away from me. I did have a good hearing but never noticed it until now.

    I sat down on the ground and pulled out Gabriel's dagger, clutching it to my chest. The noise stopped, it was obvious someone stopped walking and looked around. I took notice at the light breeze that carried my scent. If that person noticed it, I'm dead. Literally.

    Slowly and carefully, I stood up and ran through the forest, avoiding all branched that could make a loud noise. I failed and suddenly bumped into something. I couldn't see in what, that thing harshly turned me and pinned to a tree. A hot breath trickled my ear.

     ''Relax my Queen, I'll only take what I need.''

     What he needs? That would be...? Even though I didn't understand him, I hit him with my hells in knees and he released me, bending over. Before I could run away, a sharp pain pierced my stomach. I looked down, discovering a big puddle of my own blood seeping down my legs onto the ground. I became dizzier with every second and the last word I heard was screamed by Christian:


     I woke up and sat up in panic. I was alone in the room, it was very dark so I supposed it was still night. There wasn't any blood around my stomach or on the bed, I wasn't even sweating. The sickness went away, I felt much better now, almost sure I could stand up by myself without falling or stumbling.

     I stood up and wrapped the bed sheet around my old clothes and went to the slave's bathroom. I showered, enjoying the feeling of not so cold water on my skin, washing away the dream and everything else, leaving me calm and refreshed. I found some of my clean clothes and quickly changed. While digging through hundred leather purses, I found a comb and ran it through my hair, getting rid of that mess. 

     I felt prettier, like a Queen, not slave. What will Christian say if he sees me?

     ''Kat, get out of the bathroom, I need you. Now!''

     A strange voice echoed through the hallway and I heard it. I silently locked the door and glimpsed at my reflection in  the mirror. I unlocked the door and opened it, leaving.

     Suddenly, a man pushed me against the wall and loomed over. His stare fixed on me and I felt uncomfortable, vulnerable and a bit scared, his eyes sparkled but in a dark way.

     He placed his soft lips onto mine and I choked back a scream, surprised by his actions. He didn't stop trying and ran his cold hands around my neck, arms and stomach. The man probably mistook me as Kat, another slave.

     Several seconds after, cold air wrapped itself around me, the man was gone. At least I thought so until I saw he was still here but Christian held him around throat, pinned to a wall. I heard his ice hiss and growling.

      ''If you ever touch her again, you won't be only dead but something much worse. You'll suffer in ways you can't even imagine, pray I  kill you simply. But of course...I won't listen so don't ever touch or even look at her if you like your life. Do not make me repeat this twice. Now go, you useless bastard!''

      I was taken aback with Christian possessive and protective act. He turned to me and his eyes softened, giving me a sign he won't hurt me.

     ''Are you all right?''

     ''Yes, thank you.''

     My answer was very simple and he didn't believe it. He walked to me and softly brushed away hair that fell on my forehead.

Christian gave me a warm and shiny smile, I liked this side of him much better. Before I could stop myself, I asked him directly.


     He understood me, that I was asking him why he was possessive and protective but before he was   a jerk to me.

     ''I'm your brother.''

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