Chapter 15 ~The War~

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                                                                     Chapter 15

One week later

''Where did you leave the leftovers? Rose is hungry.''

I smiled, she was always hungry. One week had passed after I found out about my daughter, but I was still getting used to it. It was strange to sing her a lullaby before going to bed, read her stories and take care of such a small yet grown child. Her mind was much older, she was thinking older than many adults I know.

''On the table, there's some soup also.''

Christian nodded and left, but before he closed the door, he turned to me.

''What about the execution? You said it would happen one week ago...''

''I haven't forgot, I just wanted to be sure. A death of innocent human is not what I want to carry on my soul forever. Take some of Royal men and guards to prepare the square, it will be for three hours exact, when the sun reaches its highest point.''

I saw a flicker of fear in his eyes, but he remained still. Nothing could change my opinion, I must execute the traitor and I will, even if it's someone I love in any way. The war was close, I could sense it. My last prediction was wrong, there wasn't any battle or signs of enemies on our borders past days.

My illness was becoming worse. The fever was eating me alive, but I was trying to save my energy as much as I can, there will be no war without me. My last mission must be in war, even if I died there while protecting my Kingdom. Determined, I rested in peace, giving myself some time to recover until the execution.


''Mom, can I play with you?''

''No sweetie, I have some...something to take care of but I promise we will play when I return. Maids will be with you all the time, you'll be safe.''

Kissing her on her forehead, I left, running to the square. My headache was getting worse, but I ignored it, not wanting to wake any suspicions.

''It is time.''

One sentence was enough for me to stand up and speak in front of my friends, family and villagers. I spotted many strangers but decided not to look at them. Now, the most important thing was to reveal the spy who betrayed all of us, especially me.

''I, Amelie, as your Queen declare that two men will be executed now. If nobody wants to confess the betrayal, I will say their names out loud. If that's you, you have a minute to go up here, where your punishment will be said. The worst punishment will be execution.''

I waited, frowning but nobody answered. All women were silent, with pleading eyes for their husbands. After a minute passed, I sighed and spoke again.

''The traitors are...Christian, your King, and Gabriel.''

I heard gasps from the crowd, they were stunned. Their lives under Christian's orders was fake, they were all living in delusion. Gabriel looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me for forgiveness. My love was still present, but I refused that the weakness depends about my decision.

''Step out.''

Christian looked over to the guards, eager to escape. I held the power now, no one could confront my word. The power of a Queen once again felt amazing, it couldn't be compared to anything I've felt before. My life was a blur before Christian came into my life. I remembered so many beautiful moments with him, but I knew this was right for my people. I want to be the Queen who will be remembered, not a plain woman. After all, my death was close, I could feel it. The cold sweat on my forehead was just an indicator that I have no time left. But before my last breath, I must defend my Kingdom, the price will not matter.

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