Chapter 9 ~ Twist

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                                                                  Chapter 9

     The sun went down, reminding me to go to the meeting for our Royal Family near. They came to us yesterday, with an excuse they were banished from their own land. Christian let them in our Kingdom for only two days, until they find a better shelter. After all, we are going to be under attack very soon, and my sister is gone. After Jason explained my mother's letter, we all went to sleep.

     I haven't seen Gabe or Jason since yesterday, although it seemed like forever. We tried to think of a good plan for defending our Kingdom but failed.

     ''Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the meeting. I'm Sarah, a daughter of the King Arthur, the King of the Royal Family. As you know, we're in war and every female in this castle will have an extra protection. We arranged one Guardian for every woman, someone who will watch over her and if it's necessary, give his life to protect her. Please don't leave for your own good, we have something even more important to announce.''

    The venue for our meeting is never same, today it was an old large chamber underground, similar to a castle chamber. You would be surprised by how bright it is. It wasn't what I expected as a place for Witches. Black and purple rose patterns decorated wide walls. It was empty, there was no furniture.

      I turned to leave, wondering why I even came, I already knew how boring it usually is.

     I didn't notice I stopped halfway to the doors to think about this awkward situation, until someone bumped into me, not accidentally. My body turned into a defensive posture, preparing to attack. The man surprised me by closing his hands around my throat and pushing me to a wall. He was so strong, much stronger than me. Something was wrong. Before he could do anything else, I kicked him in his knees with my boot heels.

     They were made to protect me, the heels were sharp on the edge but nobody noticed it except me. The man groaned in pain and doubled over, letting go of me. In a flash I was above him and turned him around on the ground, making him touch the ground with his face. I dug my heels into his back and questioned him.

      ''Who are you?''

     He tried to kick me with his legs but didn't succeed. I dug in deeper as blood drenched his shirt. I couldn't see clearly how he looked , it was too dark. He turned his face and looked me straight in the eyes.

    ''Your Guardian!''

    I didn't believe him, Guardians were here only to protect other females, slaves, not to kill them. Yet, I pulled out my heels and he gasped, relieved. He slowly turned around and stood up, his wound almost healed. It was normal, every Guardian always has the power to heal himself. The Guardian fixed his stare on me, his eyes were sparkling. He stared at me like he was convincing me he wasn't a threat. Everyone in here were already watching us and they were silent, waiting for our next move.

     ''I'm sorry my Queen, I thought you were someone else.''

     He sounded honest and something inside told me that he was telling the truth. I formally nodded and stepped back slowly. I didn't want him to think I was afraid.

     ''I forgive you. Now get out of my way.''

     He seemed stunned and awkwardly smiled.

     ''My duty is to protect you, I must be with you every second and I want it.''

     I tried not to laugh. He? Protect me?

     ''Why would you have to protect me? I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself.''

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