Chapter 8 ~ The Unexpected

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                                                                Chapter 8

Amelie's POV

    Christian's words rang in my head, it couldn't be possible. First I found out I have a sister, Kassie, and now I have a brother too? What's next, maybe my Uncle will appear soon?

   He nodded to himself and went outside in rush. Of course I didn't expect a good explanation because there wasn't any, yet I was curious and confused. My breathing returned to normal again as I slid down to sit on the cool floor. It felt comfortable against my hot skin. There was no way out of this life, that bothered me the most. I would do many things just to wake up from this nightmare and live normally, just like everyone else.

    A sharp intake of air caught my attention, it sounded as it was very near. Slowly, I ignored my numb muscles and stood up, looking around. A shadowy figure came closer, it was Gabe. Judging by his facial expression, I could easily say he heard my conversation with Christian. The colour from his face drained, Gabe never looked so fragile...vulnerable before. I wondered why he was so upset and surprised by this situation, it wasn't so tragic. At least I'll be the Queen again, brother will pass me the throne. He's too young to rule, his experience is nothing compared to mine.

    ''I heard honestly believe every word he said?''

    It was a question to think about before answering. Christian wasn't a man you could easily trust any time, he was very wicked sometimes. Gabe was right, but I still haven't  forgiven him for breaking my heart by acting. Or it wasn't an act? Maybe he wanted the throne too?

    ''I don't believe anyone...not him, not you, not anyone else. Especially not men.''

    He flinched at my tone, stepping back, but his glare was still fixed on me. It wasn't a right thing to do, he didn't deserve it but they just need to realize what I'm going through. So many emotions I can't describe are playing with my mind and body, it's uncontrollable. The only thing I need to do before death takes me away is to be the Queen again. Of course, first I must fight and win against Ranel Kingdom but it won't be so hard, I guess. A bit of luck and an army will leave the positive result, for sure.

    ''You don't trust me?! What have I done to make you like this!  You're not the Amelie I know...''

    Gabriel's face was full of fury, red as fire but I ignored him, it was one of his 'moments'. After he shouted for a while to calm himself down, he stormed off, slamming the heavy wooden doors behind himself. He was right...partly, but he had done something he shouldn't have. When I was sure no one was around, I whispered to myself.

    ''You did nothing...just broke my heart.''


    I was sure nobody was in the woods so I went there to practice spells. It was cold, making me shiver while breeze played with leaves, slightly stroking and swaying them. The imagery was very romantic, indeed. I enjoyed watching the nature from the day I was born, it was so fascinating, calming.

    I found a perfect place for practice, not far away from my castle and noticed movement behind  bushes, between several trees but didn't pay any attention.

    I opened my Spell book and started practicing, whispering spells, mostly the one for blocking thoughts and feelings. One of them was very dangerous but being myself, I couldn't resist.

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