Chapter 2 ~ Bittersweet Memories

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                                                                    Chapter 2

     It's impossible! How can Kassie be my sister? I'm the only child, my mother would have told me I have a sister. Have she had a good reason not to tell me, or my father? Or my father also knew... Kassie silently watched me, waiting for my move. I was astonished, it was a huge shock. What could I say to her? Alright? Great? I'm so happy we're sisters? ''Excuse me.''

     Without thinking twice, I turned to the doors and walked through, almost slipping on a puddle of water that maid accidentally spilled across the floor. She started to apologize but stopped, remembering I'm not a Queen anymore, but someone like her, a servant.

     I ran down the hall and stopped in front of my chamber. Christian rearranged it into his own room, full of dark colors and weapons, his ''king'' things. All dresses I made were ripped along with my mother's dress I worked on five years. I wanted to kill Christian for tearing up my work and memories but what shocked me the most is that he broke my nephew's sword and threw it in the corner. I hated to cry but couldn't stop myself, all my emotions came to the surface, breaking me down.

     Sobbing, I sat on my bed and gently picked up a shred of my mother's dress and with other hand part of the broken sword. Owners of those things, two most important persons in my life were gone but a memory will never vanish. So many years have passed but I can't get over it, it's too much, especially if I lose my nephew Dorian, he is like a brother to me, the best friend.

Sixteen years ago

      ''Amelie, come down, your nephew is here!'' I'm the happiest person in the world! Dorian is finally here, after four years he spent with his mother, far away from here. ''I'm coming!''

     Quickly, I checked myself out in the mirror and fixed my short hair. I ran down the stairs so fast I started to pace, fatigued. What a wonderful condition I have! Nothing could hide my disappointment when I saw my father standing in front of the stairs, not looking excited or happy.

     ''Where's Dorian?''

     My father just shrugged and walked away, not bothering to answer me. Before I could ask him again, I was high in the air, lifted by two strong arms. Then I heard a laugh I could recognize anywhere and anytime. ''Dorian!'' He turned me to face him and kissed me on the cheek, smiling cute.

     ''Hello there, my princess! I missed you so much!'' ''I missed you more.'' We were both stubborn and none of us wanted to back down. Since I was too small for a twelve year old child, he always liked to tease me by swinging me in the air.

     ''No, I miss you more.''

     ''No.''  ''Yes.'' ''No!'' ''Yes!'' ''Yes!''


     I haven't realized I admitted, guess my tongue is faster than my mind. Dorian didn't like to talk too much but I wanted to ask about his new life, talk about everything and plan to go everywhere with him but I remembered he still held me in the air.

     ''Put me down, I'm not so light!'' Dorian's expression changed from happy to hurt. I knew he was faking but played along. ''You think I'm so weak that I can't lift you, such a small child?''

     ''No, but I'm not very light, despite my shortness. Nobody should lift me and hold in the air for so long!''

     He seemed confused by my answer but slightly smiled and put me down, keeping his arm around my waist in a protective way. He was always overprotective but I liked it, a lot of boys liked to tease me, kick and shout. If somehow Dorian found out, they would pray they were dead. I loved him like he was my brother, whenever I needed an advice, someone to talk to or something else, he would always be there. Nobody cared so much about me like he did.

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