Chapter 10 ~ Adeline

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                                                               Chapter 10


‘’How can you dare to speak like that to me, to your King! You’re my protégé, not a real daughter, have some respect! We’re all in the same situation, there’s no food and shelters are rotten. Don’t come here if you don’t have a worthy idea which would solve this problem.’’

My King’s attitude offended me easily, but unlike him, I didn’t let my pride speak instead of my mind, instead of my heart. Prince Nicholas was silent, watching his father with a dose of amusement. Sometimes I wonder if he’s still a child, not adult. The King’s words echoed through his chamber, every Guard was on high alert in case I cross the line. Furious, I couldn’t stop my hissing.

‘’I dare because you do nothing for your Kingdom! There’s no food?! Your kitchens are full of food, all best for the King. You eat unconscionably, yet they would do anything to get a piece of old bread you waste for nothing!’’

Before he could call the guards to throw me in the dungeon and lock me up for a week, a month or even longer, I stormed out. The long velvet dress I wore almost ripped apart, violently scratching against sharp floor surface. My boot heels dug into the ground deep as I ran to my old father’s house. There, I sat on his bench, unable to stop hot tears from falling miserably.

The King’s words replayed instantly in my head, blocking everything else out. Everything I had was destroyed by nothing other than my attitude. How could I find the strength to go back, apologize and ignore people weeping for food, weeping for their life and life of their children? Somehow I could manage that, but every night, several children came to my window and begged me for food and shelter, just to survive. I gave them my dinner and several coins but deep inside me, I knew their destiny. It was everything but bright.

For a year or so, this Kingdom will be shattered, lost and forgotten; people will die out along animals. Everything we done for more than four hundred years will be in vain. The scene I imagined frightened me, sending shivers through my whole body. I looked up to the old house my father built for our family; it was now rotten, without any shape. The only thing I inherited was this bench I’m sitting on, he made it out of special metal, steel and wood, and everyone was impressed. Every time when he built a small shelter for children, I felt proud, he was the best father I could ever imagine.

‘’Milady, do you want some company?’’

An unsettling smile sparkled, putting emphasis darkness that surrounded me in this cold summer night. I avoided his staring and looked up to the sky. Moonlight above us gave a special touch; it brightened my life, reminding me again of my father who would spend hours watching at moon. Lost in my thoughts and surroundings, I haven’t noticed the figure which slowly walked toward me, unsure if it was the right move. It was Charles, my servant but also my only friend, I trusted him with my life.

 ‘’Charles, thank you but I would want to be alone…just to think.’’

His smile instantly faded as he bowed his head in a sign of respect and submission. I hated when someone, anyone treated me like I’m a Princess or even a Queen, it felt so wrong and it made me much more than just uncomfortable. I found a solution and proposed it to the King who fortunately approved. From then, all people in our Kingdom called me by my name, Adeline, I felt much more comfortable. After all, I was just like them, nothing better, maybe worse.

‘’As you wish, Milady.’’

Should I tell him?


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