Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

''I declare you're not a slave anymore, Amelie, it was a huge mistake. It's not that I want to step from my place as a will help me to rule.''

Finally, Christian said those words in front of many villagers and royal families. I smiled, although we both knew I never stopped being and acting like a Queen, his words and actions didn't stop me at all.

''Then we can continue interrogation.''

He firmly nodded, aware of serious situation we were in. The fire in Kingdom near leveled everything to ground, over twenty thousand people died, including the King. His protégé Adeline, along with his son Nicholas managed to survive. According to Adeline, Nicholas was out of Kingdom, taking care of his child.

I could see hurt and sadness in Adeline eyes, as she spoke, sobbing. I wasn't comfortable with the fact Christian commanded Guards to tie her hands behind chair, she wasn't a threat. Playing along just to make Royal families happy, I stepped down onto ground, making my way to Adeline. Her head was bowed, hair covering face.

''Do you have any idea who could do this? Who set the fire?''

She looked up to meet my eyes, still sobbing from shock.

''N-no, I was a-asleep, maybe s-someone who was an enemy to the K-King.''

It seemed like I was the only one who believed her, everyone else just narrowed their eyes, thinking badly of her.

''How did you get out? First, you said you couldn't open the door!''


King Edward, from the Royal family, harshly shot his question, making her flinch. At least my furious outburst made him back down. I knelt on the ground, her eyes leveled with mine. Gently, I brushed hair from her face.

''I believe you, don't listen to them. Please, do you remember anything important?''

To my whisper, she only responded by a quickly nod. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the rest.

''Yes but it's all blurry, t-there was a man, older than m-me...he shouted and killed wo-women...someone picked me up and carried a-away...I don't know who...''


I clenched my jaw, furious at them.

''That's enough! Silence, or there will be consequences.''

Christian nodded in encouragement, relieving me. Gabe was neutral, there was no facial expression. The main Guard shot commands to others, making villagers stand back. Children stepped behind their parents, afraid. It was not a nice scenery, but they crossed the line, it's better to finish this alone. Adeline calmed down, stopping her cries.

''Where is the King's son now, has he returned?''

She shivered at Christian's words but shrugged, frowning.

''I have no idea, h-he said he'll come back....for me.''

Her answer gave solution to many problems and questions in my head, that meant the two of them were in love, at least there's a connection. It may seem useless but in a situation like this, where you need to know what and why happened, every information is welcomed. I could see Adeline was falling asleep, her eyes fluttered. In a matter of seconds, she went limp in the chair, only Guard held her head above the filthy floor. This was not a nice chamber, walls were full of spider web, floors were broken and rusty, the smell of this place was not attracting at all. It was like that for a reason, here were only interrogations of our enemies and suspects. They don't deserve any luxury.

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