Chapter 13 ~ Newcomers

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                                                              Chapter 13

Amelie’s POV

‘’Silence! You shall not speak to the Court with that manner!’’

Members of the Royal Family were constantly trying to prove they know who is the spy, but in wrong way. Christian has been trying to get their attention for over five minutes now, without success until my threat. Most of them thought I was still the Queen, not respecting Christian. I smiled at the thought of me being the Queen once again but I knew it wasn’t possible, especially because of my soon death.

‘’Oh, come on, listen to Amelie!’’

My ‘darling’ decided to interfere. Yesterday, I did a research on his family in our archive, discovering his name is Aeron. Now, he was standing ahead of me, trying to look like a gentleman in front of the Royal Family. Deciding it’s not time to play with him yet, I stayed silent about other suspects for spies. The villagers wanted me to execute Jason, but he ran away. All he left was a note. Honestly, I didn’t care, if it was his will…

‘’Thank you, Aeron. Now, I declare the war is only two days away. Our enemies have found many weaknesses, sent a spy…who is in this room. I warn you, there is no guarantee we will win, chances are equal. Every man who has no family is required to participate in training. For the ones who have their wife, sons and daughters, it’s by their will. I will not force them to fight but in order to protect them…You have time until dawn. Tomorrow morning, the spy will be revealed. Until then, this meeting is over.’’

Christian watched me, amazed. I smiled at him and left, noticing how tired I was. The disease has been draining my energy for a month now; I was just praying I’ll live long enough to complete my mission.

‘’Are you all right?’’

Gabe was leaning on the archway, looking at me with concern. Sighing, I put away my sword collection and sat on the bed, patting the seat next to me.

‘’Honestly…I feel weaker and weaker as time passes. If I die before the war, know this-‘’

‘’Stop! You won’t die, I won’t allow it.’’

Gabriel knelt in front of me, brushing my hair with his fingers. His eyes were watering at the thought I might not be here tomorrow…tonight. I smiled, sadly.

‘’It’s not something you have influence on. It’s God’s wish, I have no right to set a date for my death. Now listen carefully. Two days after my death, go to the last room underground, next to the palace. The wall next to it has a little hole, size of my fist. There is a key to the secret chamber. When you unlock it, you’ll enter it from the back, there is a bookshelf on it. There, you’ll have food, water, coins and many other things you’ll need if a new war begins. The room is large enough to protect all our villagers. First, protect the children and their families, next their siblings and strangers. After everyone is safe, hide yourselves.’’

Gabe nodded, wiping the tears from his face.

‘’I promise you, Amelie, I will protect this Kingdom until the day I die.’’

Within seconds, his lips brushed mine, begging for a kiss.


High-pitched voice interrupted our moment, tearing us apart in a second.

‘’What is happening here?’’

The maid who saw us ran in tears, not answering Christian. I’ve seen her with Gabriel before but she never said she’s in love with him…maybe she was scared of my reaction. Christian raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

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