Chapter 16 ~Farewell~

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                                                                       Chapter 16

''There's no way...''

I let out a humorless laugh. ''Of course there is a way, there always is. The Table has turned against us, which means all five kings of the Table are now here with their warriors.'' The guard tapped his chin, trying to get deep into his thoughts. I couldn't blame him, a distraction would be welcomed, but on the other side, I have to fight against reality.  ''No, I do not think so. My men saw only one man as a King, not five of them. Although you're right about warriors, maybe everyone from those five kings are here.''

''Possibly, but what are warriors without king?'' ''The one that came is leading them all. The rest were scared to death of you.'' I laughed, putting my hand on his shoulder. ''I would gladly believe so, but we both know it's not truth. Anyway, we have to fight, not talk.'' With a nod, the Guard became serious again and left to the tower.

A woman's scream pierced the silence, setting me on high alert. I ran to the nearby guard. ''Take seven men to protect the women who are not armed or capable to fight. Ensure that every old person is protected. Quick!'' The guard responded by a simple nod. ''Yes, my Queen.''

The fire was almost extinguished now, but warriors never stopped throwing more fire balls through the gates. I ran toward one, to see from what it's made. One was already dead but I flipped it, noticing it wasn't hot. Taking a closer look, I discovered it was a cotton ball with thread wrapped around it. A trace of something buttery. That's why they possibly didn't get burn. I returned to the house where my sword was and picked it up, leaving the room.

Seeing all the guards were busy, I swiftly jumped to the ground below the house, satisfied by our progress. The only thing I hoped for was that all of them will survive, although it was impossible, there were too many warriors. The clicking, ear piercing sounds of colliding swords filled the air, making it far away from pleasant. I pulled Christian and Gabriel to the nearest house, closing the doors after us.

Luckily, there was a set of candles burning if we needed fire. The house reminded me of my childhood with my uncle, it was very neat and small, but warm and comfortable. The stone walls were covered by thin sheets of unknown red material, similar to fabric. In the left corner was a small table along with children's bed with a name written on it: Rose. The name of my daughter made me wonder why I couldn't give her a normal life, be with her while she's growing up. I could've read her stories every night, sing her a lullaby, protect her from the evil world...Just what I wanted for myself, a normal childhood.

''Hey, you all right?''

Gabriel gently removed my hair from forehead, looking at me with concern. If they knew this was the end, would it be different? Would they even allow me to fight and protect my land? Or would they hate me? Deciding it was enough questioning myself for now, I nodded, forcing a smile. Thankfully, he didn't notice it was forced, returning it back. Once again, I got lost in it like a child who just met her first love. Why do so many things remind me of my past?

''Yes, although we have more important things right now. Have you done everything I asked for? The guards are on full alert, but I'm not sure if they'll hold on. The only thing I can do is send away all the children and adults who aren't capable to fight.''

Christian brushed the dust off a stool and sat, tapping his chin while thinking. ''It should be the best, but will they ever come back? This war can finish in ten days or in ten years, there's no guaranty we'll come out of it alive.'' I remained silent, knowing it will kill me. ''All we can do is hope, there's no other way out. But, stay positive, me and Gabriel will help you, all right?''

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