Chapter 17

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                                                                   Chapter 17

''Are you sure you want to do this? I'll fight with him please!'' Rolling my eyes at him like a child, I hissed. ''Yes, I want and I must to protect my Kingdom to defend my title. You and Christian must back down and let me fight unless you want me to call the guards to take you away forever.''

Gabe was surprised but still wanted to argue. Wanting to scare him, I raised my hand as if to call the guards. ''No! I...I won't do it again, please don't...'' Giving him a death glare as the final warning, I tore my clothes from my knees to be more flexible. Two layers were still there, shielding my legs from his eyes.

''Princess, why don't you listen to him and give up? We both know you can win against me.'' Smiling at him, I answered with a cold tone. ''We'll see about that.'' Not waiting a second more, I attacked him, aiming for his legs. He fell for my trick and leaned forward to shield his knees from my sword, giving me space to smash his spine on his back. Before I could take my foot back, he threw it in the air. My back landed behind him with a powerful thud, but thankfully the sword was still in my hand.

My brain needed several seconds to realize nothing was broken or seriously damaged, but I already felt tired and exhausted from the disease. It wasn't a reason to back down and let him laugh at me, so I swiftly stood up and threw my dagger I hid in my boot. He ducked, laughing. ''You missed, sweetheart.'' 

Gabriel looked like he was going to explode in seconds, but Christian caught his arm before he could do anything. I was thankful no one interfered, it would make things worse and more difficult. Returning the warrior's smile, I ran behind him, surprising us both. He tried to block me with his arm, but I ducked underneath, falling to my knees. I grabbed my dagger that fell on the sand and gashed his leg, making him wince in pain.

''You sure about who is going to win?'' Smiling cruel, I grabbed his throat but he caught my arms and twisted them into an awkward angle. Clenching my teeth, I shoved him the best I could, but he didn't move at all, not a millimeter. ''Nothing's over yet, woman.'' ''Sure not.''

With a silent scream, I untwisted my arms and took my sword, thrusting it inside his other leg. My goal was to make him weak and not be able to stand. That way, he couldn't protect himself like in ordinary situation. With a scream, he pushed me to the ground, rolling us both on the sand. The people who were watching ran away, afraid to get hurt. The only good thing is that his men stopped throwing fire balls and killing my villagers.

I pushed him away, making us stop abruptly. Since I was on top of him, I quickly rammed my legs on his, intertwining them. Pushing the blade to his throat, I leaned into his ear and whispered, smiling. ''Still invincible?'' His groan was a reply, making me laugh in victory. ''Your last wish, man?'' 

Barely talking, he whispered, trying to spit on me. ''Burn. In. Hell.'' My laugh echoed through the night, everyone was silent. ''Well, since you're going there soon, save me a seat. The best one, of course.'' His eyes went wide as I thrust my blade just below his heart, it was impossible to survive that. His last breath was harsh, making him close his eyes and stop breathing. To be sure, I leaned on his chest that was now peacefully calm.

''He's dead.''

All of his people that still haven't backed down bowed to me, murmuring I was their Queen now. Shaking my head, I motioned for them to stand up since it wasn't my goal. They all looked unsure, until one of them, the strongest stepped out. ''I apologize for our...killing. We would be very grateful if you would be our Queen.'' Christian and Gabriel wanted to interfere, but I glimpsed at them in a warning way. ''Your offer is declined. I am no Queen of yours, and I will never be. You have one hour to retreat from my territory unless you want to be executed for treason, murder and disrespecting me.''

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