Chapter One

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~Harry's POV~

This was a hobby for me, I enjoyed it.
It helped me release deep anger out of my body.
Ive never been caught killing.
Never plan on getting caught.

The days I wasn't assigned to kill, I would enjoy alcohol and getting high, whatever it took to make my brain shut up.
Besides drugs and alcohol, I also did some training for boxing, right now I was practicing fighting with a dummy, this was a great way to release bad energy.

"Great job today Harry, go shower." Adam placed his hand on my sweaty shoulder giving it a tap, signalling me to the locker room.

Adam is my trainer, he's built like the rock but has a face like Mr. bean which was very unsettling, but a very genuine guy.

I picked up all my gym equipment and made my way to the locker room. Damn I really did stink, I was sweaty all over and I couldn't stand being sticky.
I swung open the door and catch a whiff of sweat and air freshener that was way too strong for this tiny locker room. I noticed there was this awfully small innocent guy tying up his shoe laces on the bench in front of my locker. I was speechless he had chestnut brown hair, with light facial hair, he had tattoos all across his arms and chest, he was shirtless and had an amazing body, he was just so gorgeous. But I think I've been staring for far too long that he turned his head slightly and caught eyes with mine. Perfect ocean blue eyes, of course he would have a set of eyes like that as well.

"Hi." His soft tone in his voice made me harden, just thinking about what I could possibly do to this sweet boy makes me feel so hot. He was just so innocent, all the things he could provide for me... or even better... I could kill him? No... not that.

"Hey." I snapped out of my train of thought and smirked, this is going to be fun.
I walked over to him, he kept eye contact with every step I took. Really getting a good look at me. Who could blame him?

"You're pretty tiny for a big gym like this, don't you think?" I'm being playful, and I can tell he didn't like it. His eyes squinted as he pulled a shirt over his head so it was just laying around his neck, not fully on.

"Pretty big gym I agree, but never under estimate me , I probably have a bigger dick than you." He smirked, getting up from the bench, his eyes wandering to my crotch.
This made me mad, I was not about to be out dominated by this peep squeak.

"Fuck off." I push him and he stumbled back into the lockers, his jaw now clenched.

"And what if I dont?" He barked back at me, practically spitting in my face.
He was being smart and sassy and I very much did not like to be back talked like this, he had to be punished.

"If you don't fuck off , I'll have no choice than to deal with you." I could feel my Cheshire Cat smile slowly creeping back onto my face. Usually someone would see this smile and immediately back down, but for him, he did not.

"Oh, is that so? Please explain to me how you would deal with me exactly? I'd love to know." He took two steps forward, this annoyed me.
I knew what I had to do, it was all so clear to me, establishing dominance wasn't enough, I had to threaten him now.

"I would simply kill you." My eyes turned dark, backing him up into the lockers again but I now hover over him. He's so tiny.

"That's not very gentleman of you, You dont even know my name yet." He sassed, he utterly thought this was some sick joke? Who the hell is this guy?
I just told him I would kill him...

"Well since you don't bother to ask, I'll introduce myself, I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson.  I'm guessing you're some super hot psychopath that likes to pry on innocent men in locker rooms." He moved closer, I can feel his breath upon my lips, my palms were sweaty and my heart was beating fast, I didn't know what to do I just froze, nobody's ever made me choke up like I did, he over powered my dominance.

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