Chapter 25: Kissable

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please read authors note!! 

Harry's point of view:

My head  were in my hands covering my emotions. No i didn't want Louis to die, he is like my saver, he brings the light out of me. 

"Mr. Styles?" The nurse spoke making me lift my head. "Yes?" I asked wiping the dried tears awaiting my news on Louis. "Louis..made it through." the nurse smiled and handed me some forms and walked me to where Louis was sleeping. 

"Hes just in that room, he is sleeping at the moment and be careful around his neck, the stitches took a long time to do, we got a blood donation from one of the nurses, the blood is perfectly clean and i know we should have called a Family member but Louis' risk of dying was quick." The nurse sighed closing the door to my nod. 

I walked close to the hospital bed. Louis was wearing one of those hospital gowns, the ones with the open back.. Louis looked so daring laying there, touch less, harmless, kissable, "Oh fuck.." Did i just think that? "Woh...I just thought that." I brush my hair out of my face. Why do i want him to kiss me so bad?  

All i want right now is for him to kiss me, nobody was watching. 

Louis moved his hand and i stared at him worrying. 

Nothing. Not even a word or his eyes didn't open...nothing. I place my head in my hands breathing heavily. "Everything is going to be alright Louis, I'm right here for you..." The nurse came back in to inform me that Louis would be sleeping for at least a few hours. I nod and turn back to the bed. 

"See Louis look what you did, you are making me all teary and shit......" I wipe my watering eyes and brushed my thumb on Louis' hand. I feel weird...I feel something like an emotion in me that I've never felt before.I shake my head looking at Louis. 

"Settle down with me....Cover me up...Cuddle me in.." I started to sing the song stuck in my head because i didn't know what else to do at the moment, seeing Louis makes me think of what I'm feeling right now. 

"Lie down with me and hold me in your arms...and your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet And with a feeling I'll forget..." I pick at my nails and bite my lips getting nervous.

"I'm in love now.." 

"There i fucking said it...I'm in Love. But not with just anyone..I'm in love with the boy on the hospital bed wearing the open back dress."  I smile holding onto Louis' hand some more. 

"Kiss me like you wanna be love You wanna be loved You wanna be love This feels like falling in love, Falling in love, We're falling in love.." I scratch my head and move the loose locks out of my face. 

I just don't know if i could tell Louis i love him...what if he doesn't love me back..I'm just a fucking monster to everyone though..but Louis...he makes me have emotions that I've never felt before and i feel good about myself for once. 

Louis began to move, twitching his hands, eyes crinkling."Louis?" I softly speak as i hold his hand. Louis mumbled unexplained words that i couldn't make out. "Are you okay Louis?" I furrow my eyebrows beginning to get worried.

"H-harry?" Louis said tightly gripping on to my hand. "Yes! Yes its me baby!" I shouted in joy. "Baby?" Louis let out a small giggle. "Sorry i just got caught in a moment.." I laugh smiling looking at Louis' face.

"How long was i out? What happened?" Louis asked lowering his voice as if i was going to tell a secret. "Well Jeffery slit your throat open....." Louis furrowed his eyes. "Really? i have stitches?!" Louis rubbed his throat on the stitches.

"Don't fucking touch them idiot!" I swatted his leg. "Don't need to hit me...." Louis pouted."Well then don't act stupid." I sassed. "well i guess I'm just stupid.." Louis teared up rolling over on his side so he wasn't facing me.

"Baby straps don't start...I'm sorry okay?" I apologized and Louis faced me with a smile. "When i was out i could here your singing..I mean i haven't really heard you sing but i knew it was you..You have a nice singing voice." Louis mumbled getting shy.

"Are you blushing styles?" Louis laughed seeing my red flushed cheeks. "L-Louis...I need to tell you something.." I lowered my voice. "What?" Louis asked. "I-I- was just wondering do you know when you will be getting out of this place.?" I nervously scratch my neck.

"Oh..." Louis huffed as if he was expecting something else. "how would i know I've been out for probably along time." Louis sighed. "Right.." I did one of those fake laughs. "Nurse!" I call out and a fw seconds later she comes in.

"Mr.Tomlinson you are awake that's good! And what do you need?" The nursed stared at me. "Um when will Louis be ready to head out?" I gulped. "He will be released tomorrow in the morning." The nursed smiled and i nodded as she left.

"Tomorrow you'll be let out." I repeat as Louis nods. "did you cry.." Louis asked nit making eye contact. "What?" I asked confused. "Did you cry when Jeffery did that to me." Louis gulped. I widen my eyes. "Well of course i thought you were going to die!" * sniffle and Louis looks at me.

"Oh..I thought you didn't cause i didn't know you cared about me..." Louis looked away. "Of course i care about you!" I move his head so hes facing me. "Why would i still be here if i didn't care about you?" I chuckled and he half smiled.

"Then why don't you love me?" He mumbled crossing his arms like a little kid. I huff and bit my lip. "I just..." I stop and play with my fingers. "I get it I'm just your toy that you can just play with when ever you feel like it." Louis spat." No you're wrong! I really do care about you, i always have I've just never show it." I huff.

"Then why don't you kiss me!" Louis yelled then layed there in shock.

* lean in and grab is back of his neck and pull him in, are lips fit like puzzle pieces and the kiss was passionate. I slowly disconnect the kiss and Louis' eyes were glossy as if he was tearing up.I brush his cheek with my thumb and then i finally did it...It just came out..I was ready...

"I love you, I love you Louis Tomlinson." 



Well ive finally updated...SHOCKER lol anyways there will be one more chapter to this book then it ends -Sad face- I hope it all made sense....Please comment, i really need dem comments! 


anyways good day. 

best comment: 

"I know earlier I said it was really gory, but omg now I absolutely love it. its omg I cant. LOUIS BETTER BE OK BECAUSE HARRY HAS TO ADMIT HE LOVES HIM OK IM DONE BYE"

By: larrysangels_

okay bye 

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