Chapter 6: pain

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Nialls point of view:

"Stay away!" I screamed as Harry got closer, I tried to get the cuffs off but Harry just knees me in the chin. This was not going to feel good. Harry walked up to me and grabbed a hand full of my hair and threw me to the stone wall. Harry grabbed the belt and whipped it across My torso. I whimpered and probably cried. Harry once again whipped the belt across my torso leaving red lines across. "You like that don't you?" Harry laughed and grabbed the paper bag. He then places it over My head and I couldn't see.

This was now the terrifying part, I did not know what Harry had in plan, he could do anything at this point. I hear foot steps walking over to me and then it stopped. I started to get bad chest pains, but then I realized it was razors being slashed at my chest the blood started to pour. "So innocent." Harry spat, why does he always say that?

Harry jabbed the razor into my stomach where the stitches broke and more blood spilled out of my body, this did not feel good, this is the worst he has been. Harry then unlocked the cuffs and threw me over his shoulder where he threw me down on a operating table. I heard rustling from behind and little clashes of what I've heard was pins. The steps grew big as Harry ripped the paper bag off my head and I was alerted by sewing needles. "Please..." I said quietly. "Please what I didn't quite hear you." Harry raised his voice. "Please don't-"

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BEGGING AND GIVING YOU MERCY!" harry was pissed and thrashed the sewing needle in my eye. The sound of bloody murder echoed the room. The needle was poked into my pupil, this really hurt bad, will I ever get to see out of that eye again. "Your such a pussy." Harry then grabbed the extra sewing needle and began to sew my eyes shut. Harry sewed my right eye with the needle still in it shut, I couldn't see anything out of that eye anyways.

It did hurt a bit getting my eye sewn shut but not that much. "Ready for the second eye?" Harry asked but I knew I had no say. Harry started to sew my left eye shut but got to the centre and stopped. "I need you to see, so I'm not going to sew it all the way. Be happy that I didn't scoop your eyes out." Harry dropped the needle down on the metal tray and walked away. The operating table was tilted and then I've been thrown off of it and hit my nose straight on the cement floor. "Here I've brought you this." Harry handed me soup, well it looked like it at least. "Thanks.." I said softly because I was in so much pain. "I need you to live, well I don't want you to die of starvation at least." Harry then walked out of the cold room and locked the door and he walked up the stairs.

I looked at the door, then looked at the soup. I took a sip of the warmish soup and took some more bites and sips. This was so good and I was so hungry. Harry still cares for me, I know it, but not as much as he used to.

Harry once liked me, not as friend wise as boyfriend wise. We dated for two years in counting but then I screwed things up, I cheated on him. I was stupid I was drunk at the time, I was with some random dude and things got sexual I took him back to Harry's place, well me and Harry lived together,He was sleeping in the room so I stayed downstairs on the couch with the guy. The guy gave me a blow job and then that's when Harry woke up and found me and the dude almost fucking. Harry was pissed as usual and took out a gun and shot the innocent guy in the head leaving me covered in his left over blood, that's when I have became Harry's personal doll, if it wasn't for me then I wouldn't be in this mess, I would be pain free.

--- there you go guys, I told you what Niall did to Harry!!! I hope this was a good enough chapter!!! now I have to go write sex slave.

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