Chapter 24: 85% Chance

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Harry's point of view: 

I covered the cut on Louis' neck with my hand trying to stop the blood. "Stay with me Louis!" I scream and shed a tear as Louis' eyes began to droop. I look around trying to find my phone. "Shit! I forgot it in the car!" I rip apart my shirt and grab the cloth and hold it to his neck. I panic to look  around the room for a phone. I look ahead and i find on attached to the wall. I dial 911 and it rang. 

"Come on, Come on!" I started to hyperventilating, "911 emergency whats the problem?" The cop questioned and i breathed into the phone. "M-My friend.." I bite my lip cautiously looking at Louis. "And whats wrong with him sir, i need more information." I teared more speaking in the phone. "His throat! Its cut!" Harry screamed in the phone dropping it rushing to Louis' not caring what the police woman had to say next. 

"i should have not let you go, i should have stopped you, you never listen anyways." I rocked Louis in my arms holding the now bloody cloth to his neck. "You're fucking stupid!" I screamed hearing sirens come closer to the house. "You cant leave me! You bring the light out of me!" I cried. "Sir, we got to rush him out right  now!" The paramedic placed a shoulder on me as they took Louis out of the house. 

"I need to go with him!" I screamed. "are you a family member?" The paramedic asked and i shook my head, "Im a friend, a really good friend!" The paramedic lead me to the ambulance and i sat across from Louis on the bed. "You will have to be questioned after we get there." The cop entered the back of the ambulance as well staring at me. "Y-Yes anything you need just help my boyfriend!" I placed my hands in my hands letting out all the tears. 

Did i just say boyfriend? I meant friend didn't I? I don't love Louis....Or do I? I shook my head, focusing back on the thought Louis was dying right in front of me. "Don't die, don't die, don't die." I repeat to myself as the ambulance came to a complete stop. The back doors swung open and as soon as i knew it, Louis was gone. 

"Can you come with me?" The officer motioned his hand for me to come, and i did. He took me into a separate room from Louis, the room was small and hand only a tiny window right at the top. "I'm going to be asking you some questions about earlier today okay?" The officer took out a pen and a clipboard. I nodded my head leaving my head down so my curls covered most of my face. 

"Whats your name?" The officer asked. "Harry erm styles" I picked at my nails. "Where were you today?" The man asked. "Uh, I, Um was with Louis in my car." I bit the inside of my cheek nervously. "Where to?" The man wrote things on the clipboard but i couldn't see what. "To Jeffery's." I scoffed. "Who's Jeffery?" The man asked staring at me. "What is this? 21 Questions?" I sassed. "Sir, just answer the question." The officer said sternly.

"Jeffery is my father, I had a bad child hood with him, hes a bad man, horrible." I clenched my teeth, the officer nodded. "Why were you going there?" My eyes widened. "Well um, i got a strange message from an unknown number, to come to that area so i did." I lied, I didn't want to tell him I've been killing people for Liam and that Louis was in on it too, I'm no rat, and plus i don't want to go to jail. 

"Okay, So what happened at Jeffery's house?" I bit my nails, i hated being asked questions. "Well Louis went in first, and then i shortly did after, Louis go hit in the head so did i, next thing i knew i was tied up." I moved the hair out of my face looking at the officer. "And so I'm guessing Jeffery is the one who cut your friends neck?" The officer questioned. "DID YOU THINK I DID IT!?" I yelled banging my fists on the table. "No sir, i was just asking." The officer shook his head and got up from hi chair and left. 

"That's it?" I laughed and walked down the hospital hall trying to find the room Louis was in. "Excuse me? What room is Louis Tomlinson in?" I asked, the lady took her glasses off and faced me. "Hes in the emergency room, hes getting treatment from the doctors.." The lady frowned. "Why the long face?" I asked cocking my eyebrow. "Because, He got his neck cut open and there's a 85% chance hes not going to make it...."  The whole world stopped, I fell to my knees crying. "I'm sorry..." The lady at the counter said with a caring face. 

"Sorry doesn't help him!" I shouted rushing down the halls searching for the emergency room. 

I finaly reach in and i slide down the wall and to the floor hiding my face in my knees, crying because i know Louis wont make it, like the woman said there's a 85% chance he wont survive. 

You're stronger than this, Believe he will come through. I shook my head. He will come through Harry, Hes the best thing that happened in your life. Harry as much as you don't want to admit it, You do love him.. "NO SHUT UP!" I yelled making everyone turn their heads. Whats so wrong with falling in love with someone who cares for you, he likes you for you harry!

"He couldn't like me, I'm a monster..." I mumbled to my thoughts. Harry, that's the point, he doesn't care if you are or not, its not going to change his opinion on you, He loves you Harry.

He loves you. 


SURPRISE! UPDATE! YAY! 1044 words!

This story is now at 10.1k! I love you guys so much! MWAH! 

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