Chapter 13: I can't change

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Louis' point of view:

"Wake up!" Harry yelled, I nearly had a heart attack. "What the fuck? I was sleeping!" I groan into my pillow. "Well we need to get working." Harry rolls me back facing him, which he was now on my stomach. "Im too lazy...." I groaned. "I don't care, get your lazy arse out of this bed." Harry moved a stray hair away from my forehead. I looked at him with glossy eyes. "It was bugging me." Harry looked deep into my eyes, he slowly moved toward my lips, this was it Harry was finally going to kiss me out of nowhere! I slowly lead closer to him, then he flinched and moved away. I pouted.

"Okay... where was I? Oh yeah, get your lazy arse up!" Harry jumped off of me and ran down the stairs. I groan as I get up from the warm comfy bed that I could have still been asleep in. I pull on some sweats of Harrys and a sweater and walk downstairs to meet with Harry. "Did I say you can borrow my shit?" Harry sassed. "No.." I say shyly. "Whatever, lets get a move on." Harry rolled his eyes and lead me down to the basement. Someone's grumpy today, I thought to myself. Harry opened the stone cracked door and flickered on the lights revealing nothing but the dead body of 'Ed' on the ground. "SHIT!" Harry yelled, Pushing me out of the way and my back hits up against the wall. "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Harry became enraged as he stomped outside, I heard his car screech into the distance. I was left alone.

I was scared, I don't know why. Maybe it's the creaking of the wooden stairs or the dead body laying before me. I quickly ran up the stairs and into the living room, where I felt more safe. I look out the window to see no sign of Harry. Did Niall escape? I thought to myself. I hope he is long gone away from Harry, I don't want to hurt him. I went to the kitchen for a drink, I open Harrys fridge and take out a Apple juice box. As I finally sat down the screeching if a car pulled up. It was Harry. He barged into the house with a dirty bloody guy in his hands. "Look who I found nearly laying on the sidewalks not a few minutes from here." Harry threw the guy on the ground and when the guy looked up I gasped. "Niall." I mumbled. He was all bruised up, he was full of dirt, he looked like he hasn't ate in days.

"We need to teach him a lesson." Harry picking up Niall by his collar and dragged him down the stairs, I followed, Harry chucked Niall on the floor, Niall crawled to a corner. "Please! I beg of you! Don't hurt me!" Niall kept crying. "You made me so angry Niall." Harry walked up to Niall and kicked him in his stomach, he looked like he was about to puke, but nothing came out. "Louis get the knife!" Harry rushed me, I stumbled my way to the knife and handed it to Harry. "I want you to do the honours." Harry handed me the knife and I flinched. My hands were shaking as I slowly walked up to The whimpering Niall. I slit his arm once and the blood trickled down and I just couldn't take it. "I cant do it!" I cried and rushed out of the room hearing Harry yell, "Louis wait! ugh!" Harry stormed after me and as I reached the bedroom Harry caught me by the arm. "Let me go!" I cried. "No!" Harry then grabbed my two arms and pulled me close to him. He hugged me.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I hear his heart beat pumping fast. "I didn't want to hit you, so I hugged you instead." Harry admitted. I hugged him back and he pulled away, and I pouted rushing to the bed. "Why do you have to be such an arse!" I yelled. "Why do you have to be so innocent!" Harry yelled back moving closer. "I don't like to kill Harry!" I spat. "Once in awhile you could at least try! Your so stubborn!" Harry threw his hands up in the air. "You can't change me! I am who I am, get accept that!" I huffed. "Well I'm not trying to change you!" Harry ran up to the wall and punched a hole in it. I flinched. "You are trying to change me!" I screamed. "No I am not!" Harry rushed toward me and I was frightened, was he going to punch me?!

"Harry...." I back away, the look upon his face startled me. He rushed toward me, "Harry stop-" I was cut off by Harrys warm lips pressed up against mine, his had grabbing the strays of my hair, his lips moved the way mine was, if course I kissed back. Harry broke the kiss and moved away. "I would never change you." Harry said as he rushed out of the room, probably to go check on Niall. "Wow." I breathed, catching the air. So that's what a real kiss feels like. I smiled to my self and threw my head back onto the pillow. I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks hurt. Harry does love me, he just shows it very differently.

-- the big kiss! I had hard fan girl feels at that moment I couldn't stop smiling either. :) I love making covers for people's fan fictions, it's a hobby for me, I made one for @Jakethedog_ fan fiction abused, its a really good fan fiction, you should check it out and @AlyssaHoran473 a single Horan hug!!! if you want a Larryshipper_Styles one of a kind for your fan fiction just kik me at XxLeyaxX or Leyastyles :))

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