Chapter Nine: TUC's for the Memeries

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Chapter Nine: TUC's for the Memeries

TMI, Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, Miraculous, Beatlemania, and Percy Jackson are out for lunch discussing a project for work. Well, that's what they're supposed to be doing. Instead, they're just chatting.

TMI: Hey, did you guys know THG had a sister?

Doctor Who: No, really?

TMI holds up a picture of a little girl with short pigtails in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans with the cuffs rolled up. Miraculous and Percy Jackson glance at each other with confused looks on their faces.

Gravity Falls: Did you ask her about it?

TMI: Yeah, I asked her if she had a sister, but she just said, "Yeah, I had a sister" and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day.

Percy Jackson: I don't know about a sister, but I'm pretty sure she has a brother.

Everyone turns to look at him.

Percy Jackson: Hey, I'm not lying. Miraculous knows him too.

Everyone turns to look at her.

Miraculous: He's really nice and sweet for a guy. About twenty-one, but he looks more like nineteen. He's really short for a guy, but he's also a really pretty guy. Almost like a girl.

Percy Jackson: Shy. Long eyelashes. Lots of hugs. He's cool.

Miraculous: Actually, he's your best friend.

Percy Jackson: Well, he ties with Harry Potter. But he's my smol cinnamon roll, yeah.

Everyone stares at Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson: Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.

All of a sudden, Ninja Sex Party runs by.


Everyone groans.

The theme song plays.

Supernatural, having been told about this THG-sister-or-brother issue, has decided to investigate. She's currently flipping through the phone book.

Supernatural: Collins, Collins . . . Wait, Misha. No, no, back on track.

She continues flipping through the thick book as Gravity Falls comes up to her.

Gravity Falls: Hey, are you looking to find this brother of THG's?

Supernatural: Yeah, why?

Gravity Falls: I can help.

Supernatural appraises Gravity Falls for a moment, one eyebrow raised.

Gravity Falls: Hey, I figured out the big secret of my show like a year and a half before it was revealed. This'll be a piece of pie.

Supernatural: [shrugs] What the hell. You can help, whatever.

Gravity Falls: [smirks] That's good, because I've already figured out their name and address. Meet me in five minutes in the parking lot.

Gravity Falls leaves, Supernatural watching him go with her mouth open. Finally, after a full minute of gaping, she is able to speak.

Supernatural: What. The. Actual. [CENSORED].

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