Chapter Twenty-Five: Basically, Chapter Twenty-Four: Part the Second

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Basically, Chapter Twenty-Four: Part the Second

PtF and Antisocial Media now both have jobs at Tumblr, Inc. They work at a bigger cubicle, which is really just two cubicles set up to look like one.

PtF: Do you think Allison and Jess know VT? You know, VT Holmes? The person who wrote the fanfic?

Antisocial Media: Hard to say.

PtF: I don't think so. They mention Zoe a lot on the blog, but not VT.

Antisocial Media: Yeah, now that I think about it, you're right.

PtF: I bet at least Allison wants to get to know VT.

Antisocial Media: Yeah, that does seem like Allison.

PtF: Hey wait last week's episodes wERE SO AMAZING

Antisocial Media takes this random subject change completely in stride.

Antisocial Media: I KNOW RIGHT


Antisocial Media: Well, you never know. I mean, you know Allison —

Gravity Falls: TWINS!

Both of them turn to look at Gravity Falls, who grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck.

Gravity Falls: Sorry, I'm just excited.

PtF nods, grinning.

PtF: Yeah, I can understand that.

Gravity Falls: [to PtF] Hey wait, you're like the fandom fandom, right? Have you watched Gravity Falls?


Sherlock shushes her. She shushes him back. He sighs and walks away again.

Gravity Falls: So that's a no?

PtF: No, I have.

Gravity Falls: YES! Do you like the codes? Did you even decipher the codes? I know there are people in the fandom who don't do that. It's fine if you're one of them. Do you have theories? Wait are you just a casual fan?

Gravity Falls continues rattling off questions just slightly faster than, at least, Antisocial Media can process. (PtF's doing really well though. The only thing she'd have problems with is remembering all of her answers.)

PtF: Yeah! Yeah of course. YEAH I DO! No WAY, man! Probably Dipper or Bill! Uh, Gideon, maybe? I don't really know, actually.

Gravity Falls: No way, same! Hey, what's your favorite behind the scenes thing? Do you even have one? [mutters] Wait, Cipherhunt —

PtF: DEFINITELY Alex Hirsch literally joining the illuminati.

Gravity Falls: Yeah, that's a highlight.

Antisocial Media: Slow down, guys, I can't understand a word you're saying. I heard something about Alex Hirsch joining the illuminati??? That can't be right.

PtF and Gravity Falls exchange an amused look, and Antisocial Media's eyebrows shoot up.

Antisocial Media: [demanding] Hey, what does that mean? Did he actually join the illuminati?!

PtF grins, turns around, and rummages around in a drawer; she opens and closes a box of altoids and sets it on the desk along with an invisible ink pen, two tiny journals, a shirt, and a Pearl funko pop before finally finding what she needs. She hands the post to her sister, who quickly reads through it.

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