One: Ariel Gets A Dog

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Welcome back, dear readers, and thank you for sticking with me this far! Without further ado, I bring to you Son of Hades #2.
Ariel Gets a Dog
Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality. — Emily Dickinson.

    Ariel Caverly thought her life began when she died. She could no longer hear her heart beat in her ears. She felt her blood run cold. The Underworld wasn't what Ariel had ever imagined. It was more. The Prince of Darkness wanted her. Hades' handsome servant wanted her. Hot tempered and sweet tongued, Ariel must make her decision between her sweet, caring servant or the wreck-less and unstable Prince of Darkness . . . Crawling out of the Underworld with a special motivation to save the Prince and the Underworld, Ariel must find Jasmine, Oscar and her handsome servant before the winter solstice and return to the underworld before both worlds are destroyed.

      ARIEL'S POV:

                 The heart shaped pendant was glowing.

        I clutch it between my fingers, thinking of Castiel and what he could be doing right now. The strap of his camera is around my neck, and I think he'll adore the pictures of the woods when I show them to him. But the pendant is glowing. I didn't make it this far simply to be dragged back down to the Underworld. No fucking way. From the darkness of the cave, I debated my limited options.

I could stay here and try to hide. Hiding was cowardice, and there was always a chance they would find me easier this way. But my legs were burning, and my thighs and ankles throb from running so much. My stomach churns, and growls. The smallest bit of wind reaches me in the cave, goosebumps rising on my arms, my clothing is burnt and tattered from crawling out of the underworld.

Rain begins to fall outside, and I know I'll decide to stay. The pendant is supposed to help me disguise my scent. I back further into the shadows, not even daring to breathe, clutching the backpack close against my chest.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

But a moment later, I see them.

They're raving and crawling fast through the woods, hardly making any sound yet moving almost too quick for me to see. They stop just outside the cave. . . I can feel the tears pooling up in my eyes, threatening to give me away. I shoved the fear deeper into my stomach. You aren't afraid of them.

You aren't afraid.

Their faces are terrifying, and I have to force myself to look away, not to stare too long. Not to cry.

"She's nearby," one said. His voice is gruff, deep. Like nails on a chalkboard. There's a scar going through one deep green eye. His nose is crooked, like it's been broken once or twice. Get in my face and I'll break it, again. "I smell her. Her scent is so sweet. Castiel is a lucky guy."

Normally, this would have creeped me out. However, Castiel explained to me that higher demons in the guard have special abilities given to them by the Gods. Goosebumps run up and down my arms.

A laugh. "Not anymore he isn't," the second one replies. His skin looks burnt on one half, his neck and tattooed arms,too. "When Hades gets through with him, Castiel will wish he never met Ariel."

In the distance, a dog barks. But it wasn't just any bark. It's sound was amplified. It echoes here. A hellhound.

"You take the North path," the first grunts. "I'll take the South. We'll find her by morning."

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