Twenty Three: Giving Back

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       There wasn't much the Infirm nurse could do for Xander. She has him laying down in a cot next to Xavier's. She gave him a golden drink, and cleaned out his cuts and bruises. Before she could do anything to stitch them up, they healed right before our eyes.

        I was allowed to sit here in between them for as long as I wanted, and never left their side. It's quiet in the Infirmary, but still looks too shiny and clean. It still looks too much like a Hospital.

        Xander wakes up first. His bruises are healing just as fast. He blinks hard and a small moan leaves his lips. His head lolls to one side and then the other. He blinks slowly and looks up at me, smiles. His smile fades when he sees Xavier in the opposite bed, when he looks around for the first time to ser where he is. "I couldn't help him." Xander's voice cracked. "I did all I could. I really did. But they wouldn't let me get anywhere near him." he rambles on.

       I reach over and take my brother in law's hand, squeeze it hard. "You did everything you could."

        "But it still wasn't good enough." He whispers. "It could have been a lot worse if you hadn't come to his rescue. They could have sent him off to the fields, or even Tartarus. Your marriage has done more harm in this place than good."

       "I know... " I feel sad saying it. But I know it's true. It's cost my husband his memories, and it's landed both brothers here in the Infirm. This was my fault. If I hadn't knocked Victor into unconciousness, than we wouldn't even be in this mess. "Will you be okay here for a few minutes with him? I - I need to talk to Castiel."

        Xander nods slowly. "We'll be fine here. Be careful, please."

       "Always am."

        I didn't want to leave them. But I knew that somehow Knox would hold up on his end of the bargain. I needed to hold up on my end, too, no matter how much it killed me inside to let him go. I find the watch in it's hiding spot, moving with purpose towards Castiel's room.

       I wait, and count the meaningless seconds as they pass, wondering if he's still talking with Hades. Has Castiel told him about my change of job assignment? Is he okay? I couldn't just sit here. My soul was restless, and I stopped pacing back and forth in the corridor, deciding to go against my better judgement and go look for him.

       He wasn't in any of his usual spots: the hideout or the balcony, the kitchen, the meal hall and he wasn't in the library either (and then again, why would he be in the library anyway?) I hesitate near the doors of the palace, knowing that the guards might not let me back inside if I go out to the lake of fire to check on them.

       Scratch that idea.

       I move slowly back in the direction of his room, hoping he'll have somehow made it back to his cell for some peace and quiet.

       Before I rounded the corridor to his rooms, their voices floated out to meet me. Castiel had been hesitating with one hand on his room door, and the other moving through his hair. He looked so tense and uncomfortable, and once I hear her voice, I immediately know why. One side of Castiel's face is red and puffy.

       I press my back against the wall, knowing that Castiel saw me even if she didn't, I close my eyes and hold my breath.

       "I didn't have any other choice, Lola." Castiel hisses quietly, purposely dropping his voice a little lower. I should let them have their privacy, but so can't help it this time.

        "You always have a choice, Castiel!" She shouted. I didn't see Lola and thankfully she couldn't see me either. "I swear, sometimes I think roles are revers down here. You act like a Princess in need of rescuing — "

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