Nineteen: Decisions

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      Charon's boat was quiet, and we could only hear the sound of the waves as they once against our boat, attempting to push us further our to sea. The further we travel, the more my necklace begins to burn.

          Xavier is getting closer and closer. The scorching heat is making my skin itch. Tartarus is close, and my stomach churns. I glance back at Zeus, and find him smirking in my direction. I look ahead, try to calm my breathing, and attempt to stop my racing mind. Castiel looks too smug, and I try to keep my head down. But I still could feel Lola glaring at me. Oscar and Jasmine were bound and tied up, and I couldn't look at either of them.

       Is Xander with Xavier?

       The tension in the air is thick. David sighs beside me. "Whatever they do to him, Ariel, just know that it's not your fault. It's punishment, and they believe that's what you deserve. Everything will be okay in the end."

        A grisly end.

       The way to Tartarus took hours. The waves were nearly splashing inside of our boat. I could feel the tears behind my eyes, and I wanted to cry. But I couldn't give them the satisfaction. I glance at David, trying to take may mind off of Xavier. "I'm sorry about your wife."

         "I'm sorry about your husband."

         The hill to climb upon was tall and massive. Every step I took felt as though I were sinking in quicksand. I couldn't unglue my legs fast enough. The necklace felt like fire against my chest, and I hear a scream in the distance. Two screams. One of them...

         I run.

         The breath leaves my body, and every single nerve feels as though it's on fire. I can't let them do this to him, again. The land I run across to get to him is flat and desert-like. I have to resist the urge to throw up. The guards are almost entirely absent tonight. The darkness, the entire hole, looks daunting and the screams reach my ears. Xavier.

          He's tied to the post, facing the darkness below him and barely managing to hold on. His hands and wrists are bloody. There's a guard behind him, and Xavier's back is covered in bloody slash markings. His tears are silent, but the guard behind him has the fire whip in hand.

          A new addition has been built. It's a narrow, silver bridge that runs from one side of Tartarus to the other. The desert on the opposite side seems darker somehow.

       Xander is hanging upside down by his ankles. He has his eyes shut, and only opens them when he hears Mr footsteps. "Ariel!" He couldn't move too much. "Help! Help me!" I will. Don't you worry, brother. I'll get you both out of this.

        The second guard was holding a cup full of blood red liquid, and I shiver. It couldn't be anything good. I run towards Xavier, tightening the ropes around his wrists so that he would not fall in. His face said all I needed to know. His tears are rare and heartbreaking. He kneels down, dangerously swaying and gritting his teeth. When Xavier sees me, something in him changes, and he can stand on shaky legs. "You did it," he whispered. "You did it. You're home." Theres pain in his voice, and in his face. "They're going to try and - "

         Zeus has caught up, everyone shuffling close behind. "Now, now. Don't spoil all the fun, Mr Reyes. Jasmine and Oscar receive their honorable punishment first." He shoves them near the edge. They can't speak, and their hands are bound. But Jasmine is shaking her head, tears running down her face and Oscar is red-faced, looking at Castiel as though he might change his mind by association. He doesn't, and Oscar looks pleasingly towards Jasmine.

         The guards rip the duct tape from their mouths, and immediately Oscar begins pleading.

         "Look, man. Everything worked out in the end. Didn't it? You always told me I had to look out for myself down here, and I've been looking out for Jasmine, too. You found the love of your life. Your mom and dad are awake. You can travel the globe with Lola if you'd want. You don't need two do this. We learned our lesson... They drown me. They starved me. I betrayed the love of my life. And in the end, we still have to jump? Come on, dude. I've been your best friend since we were little."

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