Twenty Seven: Death Becomes Him

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Being with Blair made me feel like a kid again. She was sweet and sensitive and cute, and even though I could order her to tell me how she ended up here, I'm not sure I wanted to find out. Her kiss made my cheeks hot, and her breath lingered against my lips long after she'd gone.

It's just me here by the water, listening to the sound of these waves crashing against the shore like a lullaby. The stars are twinkling in an inky black sky, and I can't help but wonder if Zeus is looking down upon me. And even though Ariel now has Xavier back, I wish I could share these moments with her.

I know that I'm just buying hours upon hours, but it's only a matter of time before dad sends his army of hellhounds, demons, Godly relatives and any other available diety or immortal undead to look for mom and me. If I used this watch, he may never find me again. A war is coming and I will not leave my mother alone with Knox.

I always imagined sipping margaritas in the Carribean with a beautiful bride by my side; the supermodel type like Lola. Or losing half my inheritance in lost in the Las Vegas casinos.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and keep that watch hidden here, because only three of us on this island know you have it, and there are people here . . . bad people, that would do anything to take away what's yours. Misery loves company." Blair's words echo back to me.

I take to exploring Knox's place despite the late hour.

During the meek hours of night, a thin veil of fog surrounds the island and despite electricity, Knox insists on lighting this place by candlelight and torches that line the walls. There's no shadows that bounce along the wall, or hide in dark corners. There are no available servants to call upon or wandering the halls.

I walk past the room Knox called my room. This place seriously needed a change of decor. At night, most doors were no longer open but firmly locked, dark and silent. Everything is strange here. It feels like I'm still a butterfly trapped in the different box. It's colder here too, and I miss the Underworld heat. There's one slightly ajar door here, and I curiously wander over as quiet voices float outwards down the corridor.

"Do you think he knows?" One male voice asks.

A short sign escapes a female's lips. "Of course not. How could he know that we're in limbo?"

Limbo. This is where souls go when they don't or can't cross over. I stare at the watch, careful not to make any noise or movement or breath. Everything makes sense now . . . why Hermes wants Ariel to work for him, why Knox allowed me to keep the watch, why other Gods could not find us unless we want to be found. That's why Knox is so arrogant.

The only way out of limbo is if . . . if . . .

A hand clamps down against my shoulder. "You know, I never thought you could be an eavesdropper, Prince of Darkness." the voice was cruel and fear instantly shrivels up inside me. "Get inside now. We all have some . . . talking to do." It wasn't a question. My infamous nickname was now nothing but a joke to them. The stranger shoves us inside, "look who I found in the hallway."

"Speak of the Devil," the male broke into a large grin, and I knew that I was in trouble. He reminded me of the God hypnos, with those strange and hypnotic blue eyes. He was obviously dressed to look like a servant. But I knew that he was not employed under Knox. Hidden tattoos snake their way up his pale arms, and he tilts his head, hair wavy and full of curls. "Give us the watch, Castiel. We can either do this the easy way . . . or the hard way. And I think I'd prefer th hard way."

We looked like we were in some kind of old classroom, three men equally as terrifying behind tattooed man and one girl with blonde hair, all looking at me to succumb to them. The desks are now cluttered, the whiteboard is full of scribbled plans and nonsense, and there's a large balcony with the same amazing view. I shake my head, "fuck you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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