Chapter 4

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"That was sick!" Paisley said skipping down the airport hallway. I giggled, taking a sip of my red bull from my spot on Franks back. It's about 2AM and we just landed in LA.. As you can tell we were very sugar high on red bull and a ton of candy. Paisley was still super hyped up from my earlier performance on the today show yesterday morning as was I and she always gets crazier than usual when she has this much sugar in her system.

"Okay girls. Don't make yourselves known, we need to get to the car safely and without attention." Joey said as I hopped off of Franks back and got in the middle of 'the force' as I liked to call it - when in reality it was all of my bodyguards surrounding me like a wall. -  But, whatever made it cooler, am I right?

Screams erupted through the airport making me wince, "So much for being unnoticed." I heard Joey mutter to himself as they tensed their bodies and made their way to the exit. I laughed at their aggressions and let them lead us away to the exit.

"I really hate this." Paisley muttered elbowing her bag behind her more. I nodded a little, agreeing. Yeah, I love my fans but it can get annoying hearing them scream whenever they see me. I'm just me. Nothing special. I waved a bit to the fans, feeling nothing but sorrow for them. I knew they came all the way to the airport to meet me and I couldn't do just that.

"Okay. Let's go." Frank said as we jumped into the back of the black SUV that had been waiting for us in the car park.


"Where are you going?" Paisley asked from her spot on the couch in our living room.

"The studio to see Elle, why aren't you ready?" I asked slipping my peach colored jacket on. "That was today?" She asked sitting up wide eyed, i nodded in response and she sprinted out of the room - slipping on the way - making me choke on the water I was in the middle of swallowing.


"Okay! I'm ready!" She yelled running down the steps, a few minutes later, putting her Toms on as she walked down the steps. Probably not the best idea, but she made it down with no bruises.

"Finally."  I groaned grabbing my keys from the rack and making my way out the door, Paisley at my heel. It's now the second day we've been back in Cali and it feels good to be back, that's for sure. We basically slept all day yesterday because jetlag is a bitch, and my friend Ellie Goulding had invited me to the studio for some help in writing today, and I immediately agreed seeing as how she is one of my best friends and I love to help in writing, and Paislee and her had also hit if off well, so we all usually hung out together.

"You know," Paisley started but paused as she pulled out of the parking garage, "She's friends with Niall and I heard he's also in town. He may be there." She winked and let out a small laugh. I shook my head, "I doubt that. Elle, wouldn't do that." I said shaking the thought off. Would she?


"Oh my God." Paisley muttered stopping in her tracks, which resulted into me running into her back. A groan came out of my mouth as I studied her wide eyed face. Ouch.

"What the hell?" I asked, now standing beside her, "Why did you just stop in the middle of the walkway?" I asked nudging her shoulder. She moved her head a bit and shook her head, "I think I just saw Harry Styles!" She said putting a hand over her mouth. Oh sweet Lord, what?

"What?" I harshly whispered looking down the hall to see absolutely nothing, "I don't see anything." I shrugged, trying to convince myself more than her. If Harry Styles is here, he's most probably here with Niall Horan. There's no way in hell I could ever confront any of them. By me confessing my small crush on the Irish band member, people took it out of context, they took if farther than I ever thought could happen. It would be downright humiliating to ever face either of them, especially Niall.

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