Chapter 11

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Song - Paramore - Stay The Night.


Its New Years Eve. We got to London yesterday, from Texas. It was hard leaving my family. My grandma especially. I never really see her. We talk at least once a week, but I never actually see her. We unfortunately had to leave Lex behind as she starts school back soon. We're going to an event tonight which I'll be performing at. I'm super excited for that as are my dancers -especially Paislee- they got in this morning and we rehearsed our set which will consist of 'slow down' and 'like a champion'.

"Are you excited?" I said as I walked into the little living room in the hotel we were staying in.

"So excited, oh my God." Paislee said jumping up and down. I laughed and shook my head. I never really got excited until during and after. I was always shitting myself with nerves before as I am now.

"You know Niall is going to be there." She said sending me a wink before leaving the room. I grunted and flicked her off. She couldn't see it but, still.

"Hello ladies!" I heard a voice say from behind me making me jump and turn around.

"Happy almost New Year!" Adam my crazy manager said holding a bottle of what seemed to be champagne. His lovely wife Sarah shook her head and I smiled. Its been a month since I've seen them, and I couldn't be happier for there appearance.

"Oh my God, hi!" I said bringing them both into a hug. They laughed, "why are you guys here?" I asked joyfully.

Adam answered, "We've always wanted to come to London on a holiday, and we thought why not now?" He said setting the bottle on the counter.

"Okay, I'm ready." Paislee said walking into the room dressed in warm clothing. Oh shit, its already 8 we leave soon.

"Woah, hey!" She laughed, when she saw them. They exchanged words as my stylists Sasha walked into the hotel, "Sorry I'm late! The traffic is terrible!" Her french accent clearer, from the stress that was laced into her voice.

"Let's go!" She clapped giving me a push toward my room.

After my makeup and hair was done she made me dress into white leggings, red flow skirt, white flow shirt, white peacoat, and white sparkle boots. I quite liked the look.

"All finished, now let's go!" Sasha pushed me up and rushed me out of the room.

"Let's do this." Adam said as we all left the hotel room, bodyguards meeting us outside.


"Everybody welcome, Ariella!" The announcer said as the lights dimmed and I did what I do best.



I had just gotten off stage, my adrenaline was pumping and I was smiling from ear to ear.

Paislee and the other dancers ran off stage beside me, beaming with excitement. Paislee and I made our way to get cleaned up and we made our way out front to the VIP section.

I saw Ellie, Harry, Liam, Zayn, 2 other girls, and Niall all in one section, we made our way closer as they noticed us. Ellie hugged me, "You did amazing!" She squealed in my ear. I then hugged Harry, Liam, Zayn and the 2 other girls who I learned were Liam's girlfriend Sophia and Perrie -who I've seen before, as she preformed with her band earlier in the night- Zayn's fiancé. I hugged Niall last, "Amazing performance." He whispered in my ear as we hugged each other. I smiled and thanked him. He's so adorably nice.

It was 30 minutes until midnight so we all sat down, Niall sat beside me making my stomach flutter nervously. "Here." Ellie said giving me a beer same with Pais who was on my left, Niall on my right. I took the drink trying but failing to open the cap. Someone grabbed it from me, opening it with ease; Niall.

"There you go, love." He said with a laugh. I nodded with a thank you. I'm sure my face is red as hell by now.

I saw people looking at us, screaming. Some were wearing one direction merch and some were mine, some random. They waved toward us, I waved back as did Niall and Harry.

"5 minutes till the new year!" A voice spoke making the excitement level go up.

Adam and Sarah came over to us sitting next to Paislee.

"You gonna kiss?" Paislee asked quietly nudging me, Adam laughed as he must of overheard. I rolled my eyes and ignored her dumb self.

"10!" I heard everyone chant.






Everyone stood up.




I saw Harry give Niall a wink and a smile, making me turn toward Niall in confusion.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone screamed as the streamers popped and the fireworks blew.

Someone grabbed my forearm; Niall.

He sent me a smile before he put his lips on mine in a kiss.

Holy shit, wait what?

I collapsed under his touch as I kissed him back. He pulled back as flashes engulfed us, music was blaring and all of our friends were screaming and laughing.

"Finally!" Harry yelled as him and Liam high fived.

I sat back down sending them a glare and a small laugh. Niall sat beside me, putting his arm around my waist, making everyone 'aw' we ignored them as he kissed my cheek.

Best year ever, and it only started 2 minutes ago.


Hiiiiiiii. Happy new year ;)

° don't be a ghost reader, I want to know I actually have readers and that they like it! Thanks for reading, ily all. °

Until next time - Brooke

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