Chapter 39 - A Break-in of Our Own

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A/N: Sorry for the delay! I really hope this chapter is worth the wait. This is the second last chapter, but the good news is that I am working on a sequel! Please enjoy and thank you for the support so far! And since I see the option has disappeared from the upload options sidebar, I'd like to state that all rights are reserved on my writing~Hikari

Chapter 39 – A Break-in of Our Own

I stood in front of the mirror, taking deep breaths to steady my nerves. I pulled on my tank-top, making sure that everything was properly tucked in and that nothing was too tight. Dressed in all black, with the dagger Kairo gave me strapped to my thigh with a strip of cloth, I felt a lot like a spy.

I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it back and twisting the end into a bun. I hoped that it was tight enough – I didn’t want my DNA falling over the place – and wondered if I should have gotten some sort of mask.

“Are you done dressing up already? We’re sneaking into the place, not attending a party there.”

I saw Kairo in the reflection. He leaned against the doorframe, his head tilted back and his arms crossed. He swapped his usual, formal shirt for a fitted black t-shirt. Cold moonbeams mingled with the harsh glare from nearby streetlights, streamed through the windows as the curtains fluttered in a soft breeze.

“I hope you’re taking a jacket. You’ll get cold in just that. It is the middle of the night, you know.”

“I’m sorted,” I answered, picking his jacket up off a chair and shrugging it over my bare arms. It was too big for me, but I liked the warmth it gave and the soft leather against my skin.

“I didn’t mean my jacket, Mai,” he sighed. “Don’t you have your own?”

“Can’t find it. I’m sure you can live without your jacket for one night.”

I rolled up the sleeves as I sauntered past him. Excitement ran through my veins, making me feel bolder than usual. There was something about midnight that made it feel like anything could happen.

“I thought you were in a hurry. What are you waiting for?” I said, grinning.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this, Art? You won’t try and escape, right?”

“There’s nothing to worry about. No harm will be done,” he answered, looking tense. He wore a jacket with the hood pulled up over his distinctive white hair He was going to be our guide for the night, since he had been in the factory before and knew its ins and outs. “Before we go...Your book.”

He pressed the book I’d given him to draw in into my hands

“Did you take your drawing out? I’m sure you’d like to keep it.”

“No, Maya. It’s for you.”

I smiled and dropped the book onto the couch. I’d look at it when we returned. I heard a yell and spun around. Art clutched his upper arm, grimacing. Kairo stood nearby, spinning a hypodermic needle and whistling innocently.

“What did you inject him with?” I demanded, my voice laced with anger.

“Nothing...Just a way for us to keep track of him in case he tries to run away. It won’t affect him in any other way, so you can relax.”

I clicked my tongue and shook my head.

“Let’s go,” I said.

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