Part 1

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Erin's POV
I wouldn't go as far to say I've had the toughest time. I mean, don't get me wrong, my life has definitely been tough, but after I met Hank Voight everything that made my life so hard faded into the distance, and I'm not saying it's been easy since then but it definitely hasn't been nearly as hard. My life is actually good now. I have a steady job that I love and wouldn't trade for the world, I have a husband that I love even more than my job, and I even have a daughter. Or that's what I call Alex anyways seeing as she calls me mom. I have a family within my unit that has been so supportive through everything and is the family that I never had.

I walk into the district my favorite way-with Jay. He runs ahead to pull open the door for me and bows deeply as I walk in. All I can do is laugh as he follows me in. Jay puts his arm around me and I lean into him.
P(Platt) "Romeo and Juliet!"
We turn towards her with Jays arm still around my shoulders, laughing because we are more than used to Platts comments by now.
P- "Commander went up a half hour ago. Fair warning"
Jay and I look at each other, mildly worried at news of the commanders presence.
E-" Thanks Trudy"
P-"Yup. Just don't say I never did anything for ya"
J + E-" Never"
As Jay and I continue up to the bullpen we get farther apart until it's a professional distance between us and you would never be able to tell we're married apart from the ring that's now a permanent part of our left hands.

We reach the top of the stairs to see Everyone else is already there, even though Jay and I are almost a half hour early. Voight's office door is closed, and by the looks on everyone's faces something is happening behind it
D(Dawson)- "Hey what's up"
E(Erin)- "Nothing, you?"
D- "Just waiting on the verdict"
J(Jay)-"From Voight?"
Antonio nods with an unreadable look on his face. Jay and I continue towards our desks, exchanging pleasantries with everyone else before heading into the break room for our umpteenth cup of coffee this morning. Jay pours one for me and I turn to lean against the counter while he pours one for himself.
J- "What do you think is happening in there?"
E-"Maybe she's just here to say hi because she loves us so much?"
J-" Yeah and I'm sure she brought bon bons too"
We just look at each other for a minute, both refusing to be the first one the start laughing. Eventually we both start cracking up at the same time, and laugh until we have tears running down our faces and I'm rolling on the floor before Ruzek pokes his head in to see what's going on
R(Ruzek)-"You gonna tell us what's so funny or are ya just gonna sit in here or laugh about it?"
J- *still laughing and barely able to wheeze out the words* "Commander came to see us cause she loves us so much and she brought bon bons!"

This only causes Jay and I to laugh harder and of course set Ruzek off. We are all soon rolling on the floor of the break room in tears, and the process of people coming to investigate and then laughing repeats itself until every member of the intelligence unit (Halstead, Lindsay, Olinsky, Ruzek, Dawson, Attwater, and Mouse) is either rolling on the floor of the break room or doubled over with tears running down their faces.
Soon I notice that I am in a room full of grown men and we are all laughing like kindergartens who heard the word 'doo doo'. As the initial silliness that Jay and I caused to start begins to wear off we are able to stop crying and get up off the floor. One by one we stand up right and soon we're just standing around. I look at the people surrounding me and cannot help but think I how lucky I am to have them in my life.
The room finally becomes silent when Voight's office door opens, and he is first surprised then pissed when not one of his detectives are at their desks where they should be. He whirls around into the doorway of the break room to find us all standing there with fresh cups of coffee, flushes faces from laughing and still smiling. He looks from one face to the next and decides against asking why every member of one of the most elite police forces is in the break room with flushed, smiling faces and fresh cups of coffee and leaves it at
V- "I don't even want to know. All of you get back to your desks now!"

We quickly file out of the room, taking seats in our respective chairs and nearly lose it all over again when we see a very serious looking Commander standing in front of Voight's office door. Once everyone is settled we turn to Commander and Voight to see what the long closed door conversation was about.
C- " I'm sure your all wondering what I'm doing here on a Monday morning when you have no pending cases."

Here Commander paused to look around as all of us nod, and then continues
C-"I'm here because some higher ups have made a deal with the school that is not too far from here. Before I tell you what it is I want you to keep in mind that I had no say in this and neither did Sergeant Voight as well as the fact that what's done is done and is completely irreversible."
We look at each other with nervous looks as Commander continues,
C- " the deal is that a group of 5-10 eligible students come and shadows this unit for one case start to end."

Okay so there's the first part of my first story ever!! Please vote and comment (be nice please). This is all based off of @clodagh324 's 'Don't Give Up' so read that first so you get where Alex fits into this. I'd love some feed back so let me know what you think in the comments and please please vote!!

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