Part 10

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Alex's POV,
in the bullpen at 21 with all of the parents and other students and Mouse. This is starting when Erin goes to stand with Dawson and Ruzek and Attwater, so everyone already seen Whittiger get burned and heard the plan and seen Erin and Jay's minutes they had. They're currently waiting for Halstead and Al to get into position.

Nicks voice(Claire's son)-"OMG. They are so badass"


N-"But it's so true"

I smiled to myself because I knew it's true. My family is badass. But I'm kinda worried about them. That's not a good situation their going to be in-but I guess they are never in good situations with their job. I just want them to come home safe.

Claire must have been thinking the same thing I was because she asked Mouse,"do they end up in situations like this often?"
M-"ones where there is an active shooter with hostages inside happen once or twice every 3 months or so. But they go on raids almost everyday and with raids there is almost always several armed offenders inside"

Cl-"Oh dear"

Amy-"I don't know why I'm so worried for them"

Grace, one of the other moms was about to answer, but were interrupted by Mouses radio.
"Hey Mouse," it was Jay, you could make out that much from how his voice sounded," cut the video from Olinsky and myself until further notice"

Mouse tapped a few keys on his keyboard and the spots in the screen that previously had showed live footage from dad and Olinsky's cams were blank, and now we could simultaneously see things from everyone else's in intelligences cams.


J-"Thanks man"

M-"You got it"

We all sat around looking at each other. Some students were slightly confused as to why dad wanted the footage cut from the snipers cams. Jack, Grace's son, was the one to ask.

Ja-"Why did they only want the video cut from those two cameras?"

Mouse looked away from the screen where he was furiously typing, probably trying to hack into something or other, and glanced at Jacks parents as if to ask permission to tell their son the truth. Grace's husband nodded slightly and Mouse turned to Jack.

M-"Because their snipers"

Jack still didn't get it. Idiot. Mouse was obviously a little uncomfortable to be throne to answer this question, but he pushed on anyways.

M-"And snipers handle one of the most powerful weapons Anyone uses, and chances are their going to use them today..."

A lightbulb went off in Jacks head. He finally got it.


Yeah. Idiot. Amy spoke up again,"I don't think I can watch. It's just so so worrying to watch them put themselves in a situation like this..."

She got up like she was going to leave, and a couple others got up as well. They were more nervous than I am and two of these people are my parents. But I'm also not worried because I know first hand that they can take care of themselves. Amy was making her way to the door now and was saying for the millionth time how nervous she is.

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