Part 7

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Erin's POV

Voight turns and heads down the stairs to greet everyone, and we all just sit there for a minute. Adam Finally speaks up a full 5 minutes later.

R(Ruzek)- " Just to be clear here, they did just say everything , right?"

Dawson looks up and says "Yes, that's what they said"

R-"Is the cage included in 'everything' ?"

We take a minute to consider this. Then Al speaks up.

O(Olinsky)-" We carry on as usual, cage included, but the kids don't need to know about the cage, among other things.

We nod, then start our paperwork. We haven't had a case in almost a week, so it's all finished within five minutes. And my coffees gone at that point too. So I get up and head to the break room for more. Jay gets up and follows me for more cause he's out, as well.

I just finish pouring my own and the pot is still in my hand, so Jay holds his mug out at arms length and says 'please'. I fill his mug then put the pot back.

J-"We really should clean out your car"

E-"I know. Should we do that now though?"


E-"What? I'm just saying, with everything going on."

Dawson, who had walked in for coffee and heard the entire conversation butted in, saying, " You really do need to clean that out. It's like a bottomless pit in there."

E-"Guys come on! Its not that bad!"

J+D(Dawson)-"Yes it is"

Sheesh. Now they're ganging up on me. I guess I better actually go clean it now. But I am not doing this alone, I decide.

E-"Okay fine. But seriously, Antonio, yours can't be that clean either."

D-"Fine, I'll clean mine out too."

There. At least I wasn't the only one to have to clean their messy car.

"Hey Al,"Ruzek called. "You should really clean your out too"

Wow. I guess this is turning into a car cleaning party.

O-"Yeah, sure. I'll even bet ya lunch that is mostly your crap in there."

R-"You're on!"

With that we all head downstairs and pull our cars into clean them.

***half hour later, downstairs cleaning the cars out*****

J-"Ow. That's gotta be at least the 4th box of casings you've found in there...and then thrown at me"

E-" 7th by my count. Hey do you know why this is in here?"

(okay, quick A/N here. When I say body shell I'm Talking about that hard plastic thing that is stab proof that you can wear under your clothes and you can't see it. It's like the thing that Ruzek wears in that one episode, season 2 or 3, where he goes undercover in the van with the people who are transporting a shirt covered in a victims blood. IDK why but I remember it as the 'popcorn' episode because the safe word was popcorn, and I can vividly remember watching it and busting out laughing when I was watching it and Adam started yelling popcorn while running his hands through his hair. ok that got a bit rantish, but yeah, that's what I mean when I say Body shell)

As I say this I hold up one of my old body shells. It's dented and deformed from the hell it went through when I had it on and from being in the trunk for around 6 months, which is how long ago I wore it.

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