Part 14

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Erin's POV

I don't know when or how, exactly, but coherent thoughts are starting to cross my mind. They're looping on a start stream of ''where am I? What happened? What's that acidic smell, like hand sanitizer? What's that beeping? Why does it hurt to breathe? Where Jay? Where's Alex? Why does-shit, Jay. Alex.'

I start panicking a little, and the constant beeping speeds up. Where is my family? Why am I here and their not? Where is my family? That one thought is enough for me to break through the fog that's been clouding my thoughts. I drag my heavy eyelids open and look around me.

I'm in a hospital room. This realization freezes me. It all comes back to me now. The hostages. The shooter. Me getting hit. Me insisting I'm fine. Me comforting the two twins. Jay making me go to the hospital. Jay driving. Me laughing with Jay. Me walking to the hospital with Jay. Me, me, what happened next? How did I get from the parking lot to this hospital bed. There's gotta be something wrong-I don't know how I got here AND Jay got to drive. I must be pretty bad if both of those things happened. I have to ask someone.

I lean up on my elbows, but fall back on the uncomfortable hospital bed pillows with a groan.

"Woah, take it easy there" I pop one eye open to see Will standing there. He has a clip board tucked under one arm, and is pressing buttons on the beeping monitor thing.

E-"Just make the beeping stop"

I meant for it to come out as a full sentence, but it instead came out in bits and pieces with a lot of groaning. Will looked at me and his face was clouded with worry. He stopped the beeping with a final flip of a switch, then pulled the clipboard from under his arm to consult it. He sat down in the chair that was pulled up next to my bed.

W(Will)-"So first things first. What hurts."

I really wanna lie and say nothing, but I know Will won't believe me. He's been my doctor too many times to take that any more. So instead I sigh out, "My head and ribs"

He nods and scratches the pen across the paper in front of him.

W-"Both sides of your rib cage or just one?"

I think about it.


W-"Does one side hurt more than the other?"

This one was a no brainier.

E-"My right side hurts more"

He nods understandingly. Then moves on to ask about my head. I answer all his questions as truthfully as I can, including the full recount of events of the day from when I woke up to what landed me in this hospital bed. When we're done, he stands to leave.


W-"One visitor at a time"

I look sideways at him. One at a time? What the hell? How is he expecting me to pick between Jay and Alex and Voight like that? He looks at me again and says in a stern doctor voice, "One, your blood pressure has been hell trying to regulate and too many people at once will cause it to rise. Who do you want?"

I shoot him the same annoyed look I get from Alex when I make her eat a fruit or veggie with dinner, just so he knows I'm not happy. Then say ,"Jay". It was a stupid question. We all knew I'd wanna see my husband first.

W-"Do you wanna know what's all happening with you now or later?"

E-"I wanna see Jay."

W-"Do you want me to tell him?"

E-"Tell us together."

Will nods in understanding and excuses himself, promising to be back soon with Jay. He leaves and I lay my head back down on the pillow as it's become quite heavy from holding it up for so long.

Jay's POV

I'm sitting in the waiting area with everyone else, but in my head I'm going over everything that happened starting with the first shot I heard at the scene and ending with where I am now.

Currently, I'm in the waiting room of the hospital with all of intelligence, the families of the intelligence members, all of firehouse 51, who came as soon as they heard from their paramedics, Nadia, Chase, Burgess, and Roman. Alex has her head in my lap on a pillow that will snagged for her from one of the rooms, and her feet are on Voights lap. We're still on the weird bench thing, 6 1/2 hours after we sat down on it. We hadn't got much information on Erin's condition over the time we'd been here, just regular updates every hour that said doctors were working to stabilize her condition. Not even Will could give us any more, we'd barley seen him. When we did he was speed walking in one direction or the other, always seemingly going or coming from the same two places. Nat was occasionally with him, and she had stopped to chat a few times, but other than that she was as information-less as everyone else.

I'm going crazy, to say the least.

Just when I don't think I can take any more of this, I see my brother round the corner for the millionth time, but this time he's heading towards me and kind of smiling. He makes eye contact with Voight and I then nods towards the hallway. Voight gets up first, carefully placing Alex's feet on the bench, then I slowly get up, taking care to make sure she stays sleeping, and follow Will into the hallway.

Will turns to face us.

W-"She's conscious and stable" he says with a smile.

Voight and I breathe a sigh of relief and I'm sure we both look visibly relieved.

Will looks between us.

W-"Although she's asking for both of you, we're only allowing one at a time. It took us this long to get her blood pressure under control. Any other situation we wouldn't be letting anyone visiting for at least another 8 hours but she's stressing herself out, which could really easily destabilize her, and I'm pretty sure she'll calm down if she talks to you. Now, if you'll follow me..."

Will turns and starts walking away. I'm kinda confused cause he didn't specify who was going in first and now I have to figure it out with my father in law. Thankfully, Hank just puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. We do a man hug thing and then he goes back to Alex. I turn the other way and follow Will down a hallway.

I just wanna say sorry for a couple of things

1) for not updating in FOREVER

2)all the mistakes in the last part. If you were confused go back and re read, I'm pretty sure I got most of them now.

Second, thanks for all the feedback! It means more than you'll ever know. 💕
Please leave a comment or a vote to let me know how I'm doing...that's what keeps me going.

I'll try to update more! I'd like this finished or close to by the time school starts on September, and it will definitely be done by the time season 4 premieres!

BTW, For some behinds the scenes stuff from Chicago PD follow Sophia on snapchat @sophiabushsnaps ...and because she's just the greatest thing ever😂


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