Part 9

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I leave the keys in my ignition and get out. We (intelligence) fall in behind Voight as he goes over to get an update from Captain Whittiger, the captain in charge on the scene who also happens to be Kev's poker buddy.

CW(Capatin Whittiger)-"At least 3 heavily armed offenders inside, 2 are Caucasian makes around 6'4 and are built like tanks. The other is a Caucasian female around 5'5, athletic build. It's been 17 minutes since the last hostage came out, it was a 26 year old female. She confirmed there at more hostages inside than we originally thought, and estimates there is closer to 13 hostages inside. She's on her way to med right now. "

V-"Has anyone attempted to breach yet?"

CW-"Are you crazy? Do you see what's happening to the hostages? They would be even more trigger happy around cops"

V-"Notify SWAT that intelligence is breaching as soon as our snipers are in place."

Whittiger looked at Voight like he was crazy again, then turned on all of us, presumably to say something like 'save yourself, you don't have to do this' but before he could Voight spoke up again.

V-"Save your breath, Whittiger, no one here is going to back down. Just because you were too nervous doesn't mean we are."

Captain looked somewhere between astonished and shocked that Voight just said that. Whittiger's expression is one of the most priceless I've ever seen and now it's taking all of my self control to not break out laughing. This is great. I really love my job. Where else can you watch a very respected grown man get burned like that? And it wasn't even disrespectful, not really. And where else does Voight talk like that? Whittiger is just at a loss for words. I need to get out of here before I bust out laughing. I turn to walk back to my car so I can let it out and I can feel the rest of the unit, excluding Voight, follow me. We walk to the trunk of my car and I pop it. Then I just lose it.  Everyone else loses it too and soon we are all belly laughing like we were in the break room before we found out the kids were shadowing us. Voight walks up to us and despite the serious situation, chuckles a little with us. But just a little before he pulls himself together and tells us to do the same. We all stop laughing for the most part and straighten up to listen to Voight and find out our plan.

V-"this is what's gonna happen. Al, you're gonna be up on that roof *Voight pauses to point to the roof of a 3 story home that's directly behind the house the hostages are in* and Halstead your going to the third story east window of that house *Voight shifts his arm to point at the house to the right of the one the offenders are in*. The rest of us are going to wait for the next hostage to come out, then when the door is open we're going in. It'll be Ruzek and Attwater and they'll go left, then Dawson and Lindsay are going right. Al and Halatead, if you get a shot, take it no questions asked. Are we clear?" We all nod. "Okay then, everyone goes home tonight".

We exchange one more look with each other, then turn to get into position. Jay goes into the trunk and grabs the stand for the sniper. I lean against the back of the trunk while he's still gathering the stand and look at him. He looks at me. We nod, our silent 'I love you', and then the officer that's going to be covering Jay comes and introduces himself. I clap Jay on the back one more time, grab a thigh holster with another handgun in it, then turn and hook it to my left leg. I smile and nod at the officer and go stand with Ruzek, Attwater, and Dawson. I don't look back as Jay goes into the house. Soon his voice sounds in my ear when he says, "In position. Hostages are in a bedroom, west side 2nd story, looks like they range in age  from toddlers to mid fifties, varied races and even mix of male and females. From here it looks like there's more than 13, looks closer to 18. I don't have a visual on any of the offenders."

E-"Fu*k". Whoops, that one slipped out. Thankfully everyone who heard just nods in agreement and no one looks too upset about my foul language.

O-"In position. I have a visual on the offenders but no shot. I only see 6 hostages and they look like they're in a bathroom on the south side

R-"Fu*ks right. How many minutes has it been?"

D-"27. Should be soon"

We nod and Voight walks up.

V-"Everyone in position, we're not waiting any more!" 

We get into position and Voight lines up behind Dawson and I. He raises his hand to signal us to move in, but is cut off by the sound of a gun shot.

We run up the stairs of the porch, and Kevin turns around and kicks the door in. He goes in with Ruzek hot on his tail, then me with Antonio right behind me and Voight is bringing up the rear. Adam and Kevin peel off to the left and I creep to the right, with my gun raised and the search begins.

So, what should happen next? Should it be a clean raid and everyone gets out okay? Or should there be some complications? I can't decide which 🙊🙉🙈. Also, if you don't like scary movies I would strongly advise you to NOT go see the conjuring 2...I physically felt my heart stop more than once and tonight I bribed my dog to sleep with me and not my parents. I'll probably be updating a lot tonight cause thanks to that movie, there's no way I'm going to sleep. Any who, let me know what you think down in the comments and please please vote!! And thank you so much for all the love I've been getting so far, it really means a lot💕

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