Bestfriends 22

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*Jin Hee's POV*

"Couz! Couz!" I jumped in surprise when Sohyun slammed the door of my room open and was shouting.

She then ran to me, looked straight into my eyes and said "I have something important to tell you!"

"What is it?" I was alarmed with what she said.

"L oppa and his fellow members wrote something on your album during their fansigning! They even know you! Aaah!" Hyun then squealed. My eyes widened. What did she just say?

"Yah!" Hyun opened her bag and grabbed my album, "Couz read it quick!" She said as she handed me my album while smiling widely.

I took the album and immediately opened it. When I started reading my eyes widened. "C-Couz, why are there so many short messages? Did every m-member wrote one?" I asked Hyun while looking at my album that was so full of hand writtings.

"Oh! They all did, especially when they knew that it was yours and saw the other members writting messages. Pretty weird right" Sohyun said and told me what the idols asked her and what she heard from their convos.


After Woohyun, L and Hoya knew that it was the Princess' album, the other members also noticed one by one so they too wrote messages.

Sungyeol (beside Hoya) : *Heard L, Woohyun and Hoya's convo* This is the Princess' album right? ... I should write one pretty message to her that shows how much I admire her. He...he...he!

Sunggyu (beside Sungyeol) : *opened the album and saw messages* Did they write this? ... Wait! This is owned by the Seoul Princess? ... Gotta wrute a message for her!

Dongwoo (beside Sunggyu) : *took the album from Sunggyu* Hyung this is her's right? ... Im also gonna write a message that will be more nicer than yours *stuck his tongue out at their leader*

Sungjung (beside Dongwoo) : *Saw Dongwoo writting a long message on the Princess' album, but he didnt knew it was the Princess'* Hyung why are you writting such a long message for a fan? ... Jinja? This is her's? ... I need to write one too... Should put a couple of hearts on this!

End of Flashback...

"Jinja?" I couldn't believe what she just told me. My oppas acting like my admirers! Aaah~ Its making me blush.

"Couz" Hyun noticed that I was blushing so I covered my face and tried to stop blushing. "Couz lets read the messages! You haven't started yet" Hyun spoke and removed my hands from my face.

I nodded and started reading the messages on the album. I started blushing again when I read their messages. I didnt know my idols knew me and also likes me!! They even wrote something in common.

"Hope to see/meet you on our fan meetings or fan signings."

They want to meet me eh?! OMO!!

"Jin!!" Sohyun kept on squealing while reading the messages with me. "You're so lucky couz!" She screamed.

"I kinda am" I simply told her as we continued reading. I already read all our oppas messages except L oppa's.

When Hyun and I started reading his message we were surprised when we saw his number written on my album.

"J-jin, you can see that right?" Hyun asked while pointing at L oppa's number. I just nodded and looked at her.

"Is this really his number?" I asked her while looking shocked. I really cant believe he gave me his number.

"Im pretty sure it is! Lets try texting it maybe he'll reply" Hyun's suggestion was excellent! I quickly grabbed my phone and typed his number.

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