Bestfriends 4

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*Jin Hee's POV*

"Omma Im home! And Sohyun's with me!" I shouted when Hyun and I entered the house.

"Im in the kitchen, honey!" Omma shouted back.

"Hyun just stay in the living room, I'll be right back. I have to talk to omma" I told Hyun and she just nodded. When I was about to go to the kitchen, someone suddenly hugged me.

"Heeya! Uncle missed you!" Oh My Gosh! Uncle's back?! I quickly turned to him and I was right!

"Uncle Hoonie!" I happily said and hugged him tightly. I really missed my uncle! He's been gone for a month and now he's back!

"Heeya, how are you doing?" Uncle asked as we walked to the kitchen while his arm is arpund my shoulder.

"Im fine Uncle, how about you?" I asked him while smiling widely.

"Great! And you know Heeya..." He paused for a while to come near my ear then he whispered, "I have a gift for you" Waaaah!

"Thanks Uncle Hoonie! Thanks so much!!!" I shouted while hugging uncle. I really love my uncle! He always have gifts for me even though its not my birthday. And by the way, Uncle calls me Heeya because he wanted to name me that but omma didnt agree so he decided that he'll be the only one to call me 'Heeya'.

"No prob, Heeya. You know I always give you gifts every week" He pinched my cheek.

"Hehehe! I know unc-"

"Oh Hoonie you're back?!" Omma suddenly spoke with a surprised look when she saw Uncle.

"Noona!!" Uncle immediately let ms go and ran towards omma. "I missed you so much noona and hyung too!" I secretly laughed when I saw uncle acting like a child when he hugged omma.

"I missed you too Hoonie! You know Oppa, came here a week ago" Omma told Uncle as she let go.

"Bwo? Why didnt you tell me noona?! You know I really miss Lay hyung!" Uncle pouted. Cute!!

"Sorry Hoonie, I didnt mean too-"

"Uhm.. Omma, Im going to help Sohyun on her assignment so we'll be just at my room" I interrupted.

"Hu? Uh.. okay hon" Omma quickly respomded then talked to Uncle again. So I decided to go back to the living room where Sohyun is.

"Hyun, lets go?" I asked Sohyu when I arrived in the living room.

"Okay couz" She happily said then stood up.


"Morning Jin!" Woo happily greeted me when I went out of the house.

"Morning to you too Woo!" I greeted him back and turned to the pretty Soojin, "Morning Soojin!" I waved hi at her.

"Morning! You look so happy today Jin, what happened?" Soojin asked when I entered the car.

"Nothing. Uncle.just arrived yesterday" I told her while smiling.

"Really? Uncle Hoonie's back?! Why didnt you tell me, Jin!" Woo shouted. Shees! Does he need to shout?!

"Hey Woo, dont shout! I know you missed Jin's uncle too but do you really have to shout?! Hu?" Soojin asled her boyfriend as she pinched his cheek.

"Yeah, Soojin's right! You're overreacting Woo" I added.

"Hehehe! Sorry, Im just surprised you know" Woo apologized cutely while rubbing his nape.

"Yeah. Yeah. Anyway Jin, did Hyun already finishe her song? Is it great?" Soojin asked me while smiling widely. She looks excited to hear Sohyun and my composed song.

"It's nice. But I think its not gonna be that good of a song" I said as I smiled a little. Im really not sure if the song will be fine. *sigh* I hope Ms. Go will let my cousin pass.

"Hey, is it really that bad?" Woo suddenly asked. Bad?

"Yah! I didnt say that its 'bad'! I was just saying its not that good" I shouted at Woo as I hit him on the head.

"Ouch! Sorry okay!" He apologized but not a sincere one. As usual!

"Lets just go! We only have 10 minutes left, class will start soon" Soojin said while looking at her wrist watch. I just smiled as a 'yes' an Woo just nodded then drove away.


"Jin, Soojin and I will just follow okay? We still need to go somewhere" Woo told me as he held Soojins hand. Where are they going now? Hmm..

"Sure. Bye!" I waved goodbye as I entered the school campus.

"Good Morning princ-"

"JIN! JIN! HEEEEELP!!" The school guard was cut off when Jongkook suddenly shouted while running towards me.

"Kook?" I asked, surprised. Even the guard was surprised.

"WAAAAAH! HYUN'S CHASING MEE!!!" Kook shouted again as he hid behind my back.

"Hu?" Why would Hyun chase him.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY MY SONG IS STUPID!" I immediately turned to Hyun who's shouting and her face is red. She looked so angry.

"Sorry okay! I was just joking" Kook  apologized still hidding behind me. Im so confused. What are they talking abo-wait!

"Why you!" I shouted as I grab Jongkook's hand and pulled him. "Stupid? You really think our song is stupid? We did our best to make that song" I angrily told Kook as I grab his collar. I know you're all shocked but whenever someone insults the stuff I worked on, especially those that made me stressed like that song.

"I said sorry! Why are you so mad Jin? But when Woo says stuff like that you wont be this mad" Kook said with a scared face. Yeah, he's right! I really cant stay mad at my bestfriend even if he insults me or the stuff I do. Coz I love that dude! He's like my brother.

"So? You're not Woo, Kook" I told him tighting my grib on his collar.

"Jin! Stop that!" Hyun suddenly spoke as she held my hand. "You're not like this Jin. Please stop! Everyone's looking at us" She added while removing my hands from Kook's collar.

"What's happening here?" Uh-Oh! The school president?

"Im sorry sir!" I immediately apologized even though Im not sure if he's the president.

"Sir? HAHAHA!" My eyes widened. Everyones laughing, even my friends. My gosh! I called Woo 'sir'! I face-palmed.

"Jin that's epic!" Kook said while laughing. Waaaaah! Im being embarrassed again!

"Epic? Epic? Yeah! Yeah! Just shut up Kook!" I hit Jongkook on the head. He's pissing me off.

"Yah! Why did you do that?" Hah! He stopped laughing.

"Nothing" I plainly said as I grab Soojin and Hyun's hand.

"Hey Jin, where are you taking us?" Soojin asked in confusion.

"To the classroom of course" I told her as I smiled.

"Aww!" They both chorused then giggled. Hu?

"Embarrassed eh?!" Hyun asked while giggling.

"Kinda" I whispered, but Im sure they heard me. Then they started laughing again. Ugh!

"Hey wait up!" I suddenly heard Woo shout and I can hear his footsteps.

"Jin Im sorry please!" Kook again. I just rolled my eyes. Jongkook sometimes pisses me off but I still like the guy. Hehe! But again hes not L...

When we arrived at our classroom, I immediately let go of Soojin and Hyun's hands then opened the door.

"Hi Heeya!" My eyes widened.

"Uncle Hoonie?" I asked, surprised. Why is he in our classroom?

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