Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So there is a small scene of violence in here in which one of the characters gets slapped so if that sounds triggering please do not read and feel free to message me privately and I will give you a summary of the chapter so you know what happened.


I thrummed my fingers impatiently against my thigh, listening to the chatter of the hectic police station, and waiting for an officer to come and let me go. This is the eighth time I've been arrested in seven months, and to be honest, the whole process was getting a bit boring by now. After all, the result was always the same.

This time, I had been arrested for so called "vandalism of government property", but personally, I think that wall needed a little colour. There's only so much you can do with gray cement, y'know? I never understood why people got so pissed about graffiti anyway. It was just a splash of colour on an otherwise boring ass wall. People go to art galleries to gawk at random paintings that honestly aren't anything special, and they look like they could have been painted by a three year old. But here I am, just trying to do my community a favor by bringing the art to them, and I get in trouble for it! It's fucking dumb if you ask me.

I let out a loud sigh, then made eye contact with two officers approaching me. I straightened my slouched figure and shot a glare at the tall male in front of me, and I say tall but he is still about three inches shorter than me. Despite that, he is still sending me his best stink eye. Next to Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass is a middle aged woman with her curly chestnut hair tied up in a messy high pony tail. Her face is a bit chubby and she is nearly a full foot shorter then me, but don't let that fool you, because at the moment she was sending me the most evil glare known to mankind. I gulped, but I wasn't too worried. I did have an ace up my sleeve after all.

"Daniel." The woman practically growled at me.

"Amanda." I nodded in acknowledgment. "Tim." I narrowed my eyes at the officer beside her. The woman let out a loud sigh and shook her head.

"Would it kill you to call me 'Mom'?"

I shrugged and tried to look away from her disappointed, sad face. God knows I had seen enough of that in these past seven months. Unfortunately, my attention was quickly brought back by her clearing her throat loudly and clicking her black stilettos on the white floor, something that I had long since come to know as her "I'm-Not-Shitting-Around-Anymore" signal.

"Sorry," I quickly back tracked, but there was no sincerity behind my apology and I knew he knew that.

"Daniel, for God's sake, would it kill you to just not break the law for one month? Please?"

"Probably. I get some pretty gnarly withdrawals if I don't commit an act of teenage rebellion at least once a month," I smirked.

"Show your mother some respect. She works hard everyday and this is how you treat her?" Tim, the other officer, spoke up, practically spitting at me.

"Excuse me, asshole, but these are family matters, and last I checked you weren't family. That is unless you two eloped while I wasn't looking?" His face flushed, he opened his mouth to bite back, but Amanda chose that time to step in, cutting him off before he had a chance to talk back.

"Dan, Tim, knock it off! And that's Officer Tim to you, Daniel," she corrected me.

I only rolled my eyes.

"Oh sure, he spends every weekend at my house walking around in his Superman undies, and yet I'm the one that has to use formalities."

This time they both blushed pink. We had snagged a few other passing officers' attention, what with how loud we were being, and I had to stop myself from snickering and digging myself into even deeper trouble, when I saw the other officers smirking in Tim's direction. It was justice in itself that I had been able to drop the lame underwear that Tim wears in front of his co-workers. I bet they were gonna have fun with that info later.

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