Chapter 3

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I could feel myself waking up from my dreamless sleep, already wishing that I could fall back into the dark void that is sleep. My head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach, like if I moved or even breathed the wrong way, I was going to throw up everywhere which is really not what I wanted to do first thing in the morning.

I rolled over onto my side and burrowed my face into the fluffy pillow that still smelled of sweat and sex, which really wasn't helping my situation right now. I groaned loudly, letting my frustration out through my voice and felt something shuffle around beside me. I looked around and saw Emma laying next to me, still sleeping peacefully. I was pretty jealous that she was still peaceful and relaxed, but I knew she would be feeling just as shitty as me when she woke up and that made me feel better.

Reluctantly, I began to drag myself away from the warm sea of blankets. I sat up and placed my feet on the floor, the cold wood sending a shiver up my naked spine. I glanced behind me at Emma for a moment before standing up and gathering my clothes, which were pretty difficult to find considering the amount of black both Emma and I wore. I swear, we have practically the same wardrobe. As much as I wished I could just lay in bed all day and nurse this hangover, my throat was so dry I could almost feel it cracking. So after slipping on my T-shirt and jeans, I unlocked the bedroom door and made my way downstairs.

The house was an absolute mess and I suddenly felt a whole lot of gratitude that I wasn't Marcus right now, because God knows it was going to take him ages to clean all this up.

I turned left towards the kitchen, maneuvering my way around all the beer cans, empty vodka bottles, and discarded clothing, and opened the fridge, more then thankful to find several cold bottles of water. Thank God. I grabbed one and immediately chugged it down, stopping about halfway to catch my breath before downing the rest. I reached out and grabbed another bottle before making my way to the lounge.

I stepped through the doorway and instantly saw about three people passed out on the floor and two on the couch. I really didn't know any of them but that didn't surprise me at all considering how out of hand Marcus's parties tended to get. Actually it really wouldn't have surprised me if Marcus didn't even know who they were, the two people on the couch however, I did recognise as it was Lily and Marcus himself. I walked over towards the two passed out bodies not really worrying about who I stepped on in the process. I didn't know them so what did it matter?

I stood over the sleeping Marcus, just deciding how I should wake him when I none-too-sweetly dumped the rest of my freezing cold water all down his drool covered face.
He gasped and bolted up trying to hack up all the water that had gotten through his nose. Lily was also rudely awakened in the process since when Marcus bolted upwards her head slid roughly off of his chest and onto the cushy couch they were curled up on.

"What the hell dude?!"

"Yeah, what the fuck? That was uncalled for." Lily yelled at me in agreement, pausing to add an extra statement. "Asshole" I couldn't really deny it. I was a bit of an asshole, but at least it was somewhat justified. I shrugged at their outraged and pissy faces, a smirk had also found it's way onto my face which just seemed to piss them off more.

"Sorry," I said unapologetically trying my hardest not to laugh at their ridiculous appearances. They looked like two wet shivering cats. "I guess I still had a bit of resentment over you ditching me to get laid last night." Marcus's whole mood seemed to change after that. He looked down at his wet denim covered legs before guiltily looking up at me from underneath his eyelashes and giving me a weak shaking grin. If I had to tell you what Marcus's biggest weakness was, I would definitely say guilt. It was ridiculously easy to make him feel it and when he did, he felt it hard. He would pretty much do anything to make amends with you if he thought he hurt your feelings even just a bit. It was also one of the reasons kids used to walk all over him in preschool, that is until I met him and took over that job full time. I was the only one allowed to make him feel guilty, at least I wouldn't drag it out like other people tended too. Or I wouldn't too often that is.

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