Chapter 4

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hey everyone! just a little warning that later on in this chapter at like the very end is some very, very, very minor like yelling and arguing but no violence or anything like that, but if that bothers you just beware of that spot or just message me privately and ask about it or whatever. okay and with that have fun and enjoy! don't forget to vote and comment ;)


All boys boarding school. 

All boys boarding school. 

All. Boys. Boarding. School....

I had to reread the smaller black letters over and over again before it finally clicked in my mind what it actually said. I was now attending-and living at-an all boys school. All dick and no vagina. What kind of cruel fucking joke was it to send a heterosexual teenage boy to an all boys school? I mean, sure, maybe if I was gay I would be digging this right now but alas I'm not so that means that I'm going to have to go a long fucking time without sex. God as if living at school wasn't bad enough now I'm not even going to have any hot chicks to stare at. 

"Hey, buddy! Are ya just gonna stand there all day or are ya gonna grab yer bag?" My driver yelled out to me, I jumped slightly at being dragged out of my thoughts so suddenly and also the surprise of him talking to me in general. He hadn't said a word on the way up and so I had assumed he was either unable to speak or just didn't plan on talking to me at all. Dragging my feet slightly and my brain still trying to process this new information I approached the driver and took my luggage out of his large calloused hand. Clearing my throat a bit to make sure my voice didn't come out croaky I stared up at him hopefully. Maybe it was a mistake and this wasn't the right school. Maybe the actual school was a nice co-ed one a few minutes away from here but we had to walk or something. I knew I was grasping at straws here but I had to have all the hope I could get. 

"So, this isn't the school I'm going to right?" I tried to sound casual and nonchalant but I must have failed miserably because as soon s the last word left my mouth the man in front of me let out a rather obnoxious snort.

"Noooo." He mocked. "This is just a pit stop! The other boarding school is around the corner." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm and moved on to my next hopeful question, not letting his asshole-ish personality discourage me. 

"It isn't actually an all boys school is it?" At that one he gave me a half-assed look of sympathy and slapped me on the back. Hard. I was practically knocked to the ground as his huge hand made contact with my back pushing me forward roughly.

"Fraid' so kiddo. Don't tell me you aren't super excited to spend the next few years of your life surrounded by a bunch of dudes with no girls in a 20 mile radius?" This time I didn't even bother trying to act undiscouraged. It's not like he was exactly helping me feel better about all of this, if anything he was just being a teasing bastard. Without even bothering replying I grabbed my heavy suitcase out of his thick arms and started walking to the front entrance with less enthusiasm than a snail. 

"Have fun kid! Hope you brought lotsa lube. I heard anal can be a little rough!" My face turned bright red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment as he guffawed loudly behind me. I didn't want him to see how red my face had gotten so without turning around to acknowledge him or check to see of he was even looking at me I stuck up my middle finger in his direction. 

"Fuck you!" He must've heard because his laughter immediately got louder. What a creep! Why the hell would this school ever hire a weirdo like that as their driver? 

His obnoxious laughter thankfully disappeared as I walked through the front entrance. I looked around and took in my surroundings. The entrance hall seemed smaller than what I expected it to. I expected this place to be some kinda hoity-toity snobfest but it really didn't look all that different from my old school. The floors were grey marble that matched the grey brick walls quite nicely. The main hallway branch doff into three different directions, one which looked like it led to the classrooms since I could already see teachers setting up in their respective rooms with one or two early students keeping them company, one way which led to another set of heavy looking double doors that had several posters and sign up sheets scattered all over it and possibly the ugliest school mascot I had ever seen. I didn't even know what it was. It was just a bright yellow ball with some green sparks coming off it. What the fuck? I didn't even know boarding schools had mascots, much less weird glowy thingies. The last direction led to a white and black decorated office with yellow and green furniture spread about to sit on. What was up with this schools terrible colour scheme? I honestly don't know if my aesthetic or OCD can handle all this horrible colour combination. 

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