Chapter 2

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Hey everybody! So this is just a little warning that there is the sexy times in this chapter. I will also put another warning when it starts and ends so if you want to skip over it you can. Enjoy!


I was literally freezing my balls off. It had been around forty five minutes since I had called Marcus, and he still wasn't here. He probably wasn't going to show up. He was a forgetful drunk, not to mention clumsy, so he had probably forgotten and lost his keys. Just my luck.

I could see my breath in front of me, and honestly nothing would feel better then some hot alcohol sliding down my throat right now, but it was looking like if I wanted any, I would have to start walking. By then it would be around 10:30, and the party would be in full swing. Maybe I could even score a chick, a nice goodbye before boarding school.

Boarding school.

What even is that? It really just sounds like a bad plot from some crummy teen movie. I didn't know parents even sent their kids to boarding school in real life, I thought it was just some nameless threat they used to try to keep their kids in line, like when you're younger and they count to three, and if you don't do what they tell you to by the time they count down, some horrible unknown punishment will befall you. Although you never find out what it is because you're too scared shitless to test them.

Believe it or not I was actually a really well-behaved kid, polite even. I always used my manners when at a friend's place or with my parents friends, I never acted out, and on the rare day I was in a bad mood and my mom or dad had to use the whole 'count to three' trick, I never dared to even let them get past one. I would just scamper over to them with my tail between my legs and a meek expression on my face.

If Young Me saw how he had grown up, he would be horrified. If he had seen how I had just acted towards his mother, he would definitely have a heart attack. Hmph, but screw that. She deserved it. Enrolling me into boarding school without even telling me, that's downright child abuse! So what if I acted out a bit? Teenage rebellion is a normal part of life. She's probably just terrified of me following in her and my dad's footprints, because Lord knows they weren't angels, what with their teenage pregnancy and all. But I deserve to have this. I was so well behaved when I was little that I deserve to act out now before I have to become a functional member of society.

I sighed loudly. I was quickly losing all faith in Marcus, considering it was now 9:50pm and I had called him at 9:00pm. Slowly and slightly shakily from sitting for so long, I rose up from my sitting position and started walking down the pavement in front of the station, that is until I heard the door a few steps away from me swing open. I didn't have time to check who it was before I dove head first into the nearest bush, hopefully going unnoticed by whoever had just walked out. Even if it wasn't Amanda or Tim, I didn't want anyone to see me. No doubt they had all seen me storm out of there, and would probably tell Amanda if they saw me out here. Hell, they probably all even knew I was being shipped off to some dingy school before I did.

I used my hands to spread the leaves and branches slowly apart so I could peek out at whoever had disturbed my peace. Turns out it wasn't just Amanda or Tim, it was both. A low growl escaped my mouth as I saw how he had his arm positioned around her waist. They stepped down off the curb and into the parking lot, but barely took two steps before Amanda stopped, causing Tim to falter and stand with her where her feet had quit moving. She dropped her head and let out a long sad breath. I wasn't close enough that I could easily hear what they were saying, so when they started talking I made sure to stop fidgeting and strain my ears so I wouldn't miss any of their conversation.

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