Chapter 8

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You know what's more boring than sitting in a classroom? Nothing, absolutely nothing! After I had finished the chocolate coated chocolate chip granola bar that Mr. Bixenman had given me, I realized that I still had a good twenty-five minutes to go of just sitting in a classroom with only a teacher to keep me company. Although right now he seemed to be distracted grading papers or planning classes or secretly plotting to take over Japan or whatever it is teachers did at their desk before detention. Although honestly I had experienced way worse detentions than this at our old school. One teacher that used to absolutely hate me would give me detention almost every week and make me spend a whole hour after school writing lines. For those sweet souls that don't know what writing lines is, it's when a teacher sits you down at a desk with a pen and a few sheets of lined paper and makes you write out whatever pointless lesson they're supposed to be teaching you until all your detention time is up. Now, I'm not a spoiled brat, I know that that's from the worse punishment you could get, and writing lines really doesn't sound that bad, but believe me after an hour straight of writing out the same old boring sentence your wrist and your brain starts to hurt. Just think of how Bart Simpson had to write lines on his chalkboard during every intro. I bet his wrist fucking hurt like hell. 

I was jolted from my slowly deteriorating thoughts as something on my thigh buzzed aggressively. Oh thank fuck, I had my phone on me! Trying to be as discreet as I could, but also hurrying slightly, I dug my hand into the tight pocket of my skinny jeans, momentarily cutting of circulation from my fingers before latching them around the cold metal and slowly sliding it out.

I was excited to see that I had two messages waiting for me, one from Phil and one from Marcus. At least I had them to entertain me. I decided to check Phil's first.

From: Phil   


Where are you?? 

To: Phil


Bixenman held me back for detention. I'm hungry as fuck.

I sent it off and than switched over to Marcus.

From: Marcus 


Okay so I know you don't like texting in class but I'm in detention and bored so pleeeaaasse entertain me?

To: Marcus


Well, luckily for you we're like detention soulmates cause I'm in the slammer too. 

Marcus would probably be happy to hear that. He was always dying for me to message him during the day so I guess he finally got his wish. It didn't take long for Phil to message me back, closely followed by Marcus. 

From: Phil


Well, you're not missing much here. Chris and PJ have been shooting daggers at each other since they sat down. It's a bit of a mood killer actually. 

I quirked my eyebrows at that. It's not like I had known PJ and Chris for long, but they always seemed to get along great. They teased each other and stuff but never actually fought. I wonder what happened?

To: Phil


Do you think it has something to do with whatever PJ had to do this morning? 

That was really the only opportunity they would have had to get in an argument. Time to see what Marcus had to say to entertain me. 

From: Marcus

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