Chapter 6

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"Dan wake up!" A loud voice broke through the silent warmth of my deep sleep. "Dan, you need to wake up. Class starts in like fifteen minutes." I just groaned and pulled my warm blanket farther up over my head, successfully muffling the voice. "PJ! He's not waking up!" I vaguely heard some footsteps quickly approaching my bed but I was still in between conscious and unconsciousness so I couldn't be sure. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a loud battle cry and a heavy lump landed on me making my eyes shoot open. I looked down and saw PJ rolling around on my stomach. 

"PJ? What the fuck are you doing? I can't breath!" I yelled until he thankfully got off of my stomach. 

"Just trying to wake your lazy ass up so you aren't late for your second day. No need to thank me or anything." He rolled his eyes but that was contradicted by the amused smile he had on his face. 

"Late? Whaddya mean?" I asked rubbing the blurriness from sleep out of my eyes. "What time is it?" 

"7:45 man!" Felix, who I also noticed was standing next to my bed informed me. Immediately i ripped my hand away from my face and practical fell out of my bed in only my boxers heading to my dresser. "It's quarter to eight? Why the fuck didn't you guys wake me up sooner? Class starts at eight!" 

"We've been trying! You sleep like a log, we actually thought we were gonna have to dump cold water on you or something! You should really invest in an alarm clock." I half listened to him as I gathered together a black t-shirt and some black skinny jeans, along with both a brush for my hair and teeth and some toothpaste. I didn't even have close to enough time for a shower but if I took everything into the bathroom and went as fast as I could I would probably get there on time. I mean class started in fifteen minutes and it takes fifteen minutes to walk from the dorms to class but if I moved fast enough I could probably get there in time! I knew that was B.S. but a guys gotta have hope y'know? Without bothering to reply to PJ, because that would just eat up my already dangerously short time I ran into the hallway only to smack into something and fall down hard on my boxer covered ass. 

"Oops, sorry," Phil apologized. I looked up and saw that his hair was still damp from his shower but he had gotten fully clothed already. He was wearing a red checkered long sleeved and black skinny jeans. Without answering him either, I picked myself and my stuff up off the floor and ran into the bathroom throwing my shirt on and squirting toothpaste onto my brush before shoving it into my mouth and yanking my pants on. Next I used one hand to continue brushing my teeth and the other one to brush my hair out. It was hideously curly from sleeping all night but there was no way I would have the chance to straighten it. After getting the knots out of my hair and making it look at least semi-presentable I spit the toothpaste out and ditched my toothbrush on the sink. I could just deal with that later. I threw on my socks and shoes but than remembered that I forgot to put on deodorant. Rushing back into the bathroom and almost hitting Chris in the process I pushed open the bathroom door and grabbed my can of aerosol deodorant aiming it to hit what was supposed to be my arm pit, but instead ended up being my bare eyeball. and just let me tell you, that shit's cold. I screeched in what felt like pure agony earning a concerned call from Phil of "are you okay?" 

"Yup! I'm all good over here! Just a sec!" I yelled back so that they didn't think I slipped and died or something. Now that my eye was burning, I could feel all the moisture coming out of it and I was sweating profusely from rushing around I finished off my deodorant job being extra careful to get my armpits, and only my armpits.I let out a loud sigh of relief when I was finished and rushed back into my room and grabbed my bag before running down the stairs. When I got to the entrance Phil was already waiting there for me (I assume everyone else already took off so they wouldn't be late to class). I didn't want him seeing my eye because I knew it was twitching horribly and probably red and watery as hell right now and that would only cause him to ask more questions that neither of us had the time for, so I placed my hand over my eye as casually as possible and mad it look like I was just exhausted and panting, or face palming because of what a disastrous morning this turned out to be, both were quite believable really. Apparently the hand thing worked because he didn't seem to find anything suspicious about me as he opened the door for us.

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