Chapter 7

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Ok so first of all i am so feaking SORRY for the delays... ,_, ima bad person... i dont deserve a mango....

So the reasons why i wasnt uploading any more chapters is because....

- I have a very important school year and I cant fail any test + 3 to 5 hours of doing homework/learning every day...

- I mostly concentrate on my drawing career... ( go to ---> #instagram for more deatails on my art)

- I barely have time to do the DRAFT not to talk about putting it on wattpad...

- Im NOT ADDICTED to wattpad xD

That sums it up pretty much... Well rant about in the commnts and ill try to reply to most of them .-.

Well anyways xD Enjoy the chapter :P


Chapter 7: Let us fight

<<< ???'s POV >>>

" The cell wall was invaded by shadows of unknown. The tiny redstone torch flame flickered as a pair of white eyes passed it on the wall. It was cold, damp and badly lit. Not to talk about the horrendous smell of rottening flesh. But there's also a good side to it all. He was with me, and on my side. Or am I wrong? Does it matter? He'll protect me for now... or at least i hope so...

" The rusty, iron cell door squeeked its way open revealing a shadowed figure with the light making its way through the doorway behind him. I could make out his simple shape. No hair, no armour, but glowing eyes and shining white teeth. I could see him smiring. What is he planning to do with me?

" The figure took a step forward and moved his arm towards me. Just then, I realised he dipped his cold, and smooth metal in my stomach. Unbareable pain seered through me and I gasped as a warm liquid started trickling down my chin. The vision of him started to fade away into deep darkness and then nothing... It was my end...

" His blade struck me... And it struck me right it the center of my life..."

<<< Daniel's POV >>>

Still in the forest. Still running, and noweven panting. But the psycho kept after me. Or should I not call him like this? Well it fits him well.

Dodging trees, manouvering between them, jumping over blocks or unexpected holes. And all that just to gain some advance in the chase between life and death.

His footsteps neared then longed. He was getting exhusted aswell. Just a little more...

Now... What should I do? keep running? Stop and let myslef be kille? Use the sword? But that's quick action and there's no time for this... Powers? No, that requires my energy. Even teleporting doesn't come into play. The only thing left are my pockets, right?

So that'swhat I did, search through them and all the junk inside. I kept searching until I came upon something rough in touch. Takin it out, I realised it was only sticks... How great is that? Wait! I could just poke him to death!


Who's idea what that? Confess right now!


Anyways... As I said... From now on, it's preapring myself into something usefull before getting out of that cave.

I stuck my hand once more into a pocket and kept on searching for something usefull. This time, i touched somehing soft. I took it out and looked at the wool block i held beore my irrotated face.

Looking back at hwere I was going, I took a sharp turn to my left and struggled through the forest without even thinking where I was going. Although I could already see tiny specks of light peeking through the gaps between the trees.

That's when a wild idea struck me. I mmidiately got to work.

I grabbed the wool block into two hands and forced the gravity to hold it in the air for me. A very little pay of strenght for doing this I have to say. Its like water bending. ( ye better remember all dem powers xD and tell me if im making Briny over powered xD ) Putting even moe thought into the project, i started to move my hands outwards splitting the wool into four pieces of string. Just as I expected.

I hid the three pieces of string and took out a stick. Now you probably know what I'm gonna make. Yup that's right. I bent the stick to an arch and tied the string on both ends. Now I have a very nice bow. Too bad it's useless without arrows... I got no feathers or flint with me... Well, stones will have to do.

As I made my way around the blocks, I garbbed a few of the bigger rocks ona random stone block in the forest. Why was there even- never mind...

I took the rest of the sticks, shapened the ends of the rocks and stuck them on the sticks. Looks good enough... It's not gonna be the same as a normal arrow, but oh well.




I flipped aound, strung the bow immidiately with an arrow ready and aimed at the nightmare. Just as touched back the ground, I let the arrow go towards him.


He stopped running as the arrow touched his flesh, cuttting it in.

- Nice try, kid.- he muttered smirking at me.

I looked at him disappointed. The arrow which I perfectly aimed at his heart, was now in his left shoulder. NO blood visible on his white flesh, but the thorn clothes indicated it was a hard blow. But why is he smirking? It was a good enough hit, and the rock was pretty sharp aswell.

In an instant the arrow dissolved into smoke and the point in which it cut into his skin was gone. Not even a scratch.

I heard him laughing under his breath, after a few seconds he muttered, - It'll take much more than this to injure me. Unlike you.-

I caught a glimpse of his sword behind his back. I unsheated my own sword and held it out towards him. The point giving a light sparkle from a sun ray coming from above. My vision was getting more blurry with every passing minute... I wonder if that's the case with him aswell...

- So this is how you want to play? So be it.- he said taking his sword away from his back and showing the magnifisence of the blade. It was pure black, sleek and long. like a longsword. It had red writing curved in its middle and no scratches where seen. Purple particles floatedout of its razor-sharp ends, giving it an enderman effect. It must be enchanted. Unlike my own... A simple dimaond sword that was forged by the worst blacksmith ever... Me... Great. I just hope his sword won't slice through mine, or else I'm in big trouble...

Any tactics? DO I really need them? He doesnt look like a smart guy at all. I could technically outsmart him. But then again, I heard he was a scientist. Oh well, let's hope for the best. Afterall, I could flee into the forest, I know every single corner of it, every single blocks and every single cave. I should be fine with that. But now... The fight.

I took a step, readied my breath, and lunged at Israphel with a battle cry.

// Too be Continued...//


Welp...I know it's short, but ye guys just push me too ar xD I have the next chapter as draft already and I'm curently writing another chapter of 'Lost' . Ofc only when I have time guys ¬_¬

Dont push on me plz...

Once again im sorreh but you can blame the school for it ,_, I feel so bad for not uploading more often but oh well....

Stay tuned for more my creeps!

Tell me what ya think in the comments bellow!





Mangoes. OM NOM NOM.

I was about to re-read it but i realised what time it is xD welp, bye my creeps, ill correct later :P

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