Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: A dream?

<< Skeleton King's POV >>

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable. After the fight i had with Daniel, my bony body got chipped in several places making almost every movement both uncomfortable and itritating. I managed to retrieve my limbs though. Oh Daniel.. How stupid can you be?

I stared at my hands with worry, lost in my thoughts.

Israphel... The cursed demon.

I shook my head. I couldn't help but feel pity for the boy. It's hard to be something you don't want to be.

The room I was in jumped up slowly as the carriage must've drove over some larger stone. The room swayed from side to side, horse hoof-tapping heard outside along with their snorts and huffing and puffing.

Veronica paced the room back and forth with a glass of melon juice in her hand.

She stopped and took a drink then turned to me and spoke, - We can't do this. We won't succeed. Were heading for our deaths.-

I stared at the red and yellow carpet without any words. I sighed. It was most likely the end. But if Israphel isn't stopped than worse evil will destroy Minecarftia. - We haven't gotten the co-ordinates for nothing. It's either now or never.-

When Daniel fell into the hole I thought it was the end of him. He used too much energy on the sword and he couldn't float back up. That's what I thought anyways. The moment I was about to give up was when a burst of crystal blue light erupted from it. Ice. Crowfard, my magician, told me at first that he won't be able to use the sword's trump card. Apparently he was wrong. If Crowfard didn't arrive on time I would've been an ice berg along with Israphel. After that we have forced the co-ordinates out of Israphel's mind with our most skilled wizards. It was a hard nut to crack. But we did achieve our goal after a while. We set out almost immediately. Along with Israphel who has escaped the ice and is heading to his palace as well. It's a race now.

- I know but we won't be able to do anything without Da- she was cut off by me standing up.

- Daniel might be as well dead! Right now all we have is ourselves and the army!- I shouted and unsheated my sword from the belt that hung across my ribcage. I pointed the shiny red blade at her. Another sword belonging to one of the previous Brine's. - If you are so cowardly, leave. I do not need soldiers who will fall back in battle.-

She stare at the glowing tip of the sword.

<< Daniel's POV .:: 3:31am ::. >>

I groaned. Reality coming back to me. I gently lifted my eyelids open only to be blinded by from the right side. I raised my right hand towards the light source but realise but my arm didn't obey the command. I tried opening my eyes again and this time i heard a click. The light was off.

I lightly looked around, less blinded than before. Where am I? What happened?

After what seemed like hours I finally begin to sit up. My body screaming at me to lie back down. I felt warm blood rush to my arms and legs as if they have never been there. When I fully sitting I looked around. It was a small room. A bedroom, lamp, no windows, carpet and an iron door. I recognised it as one of the quarters in the Kingdom when the King took me on a tour.

I slowly rubbed my temples with two fingers in a circular motion. The room was slightly spinning in my eyes and i felt sick to my stomach.

A few minutes later I began to settle and only a few aches butted in. Nothing too serious. I searched my memory for why am I here and what happened. It struck me like the fall yesterday. Everything cam rushing back within seconds.

- Oh what a pesky dream...- I muttered to myself but slowly begin to wonder if what I saw in it was true. Is Bella dead? She can't be.

It was just adding fuel to the fire right now. I decided to put the thoughts to the side. I looked at my hands and realised both were bandaged in now stained cloth. I slowly unwrapped it and saw nothing but perfectly healthy skin. I guess there is a plus. I clenched my fist to half when my muscles begin to burn. I also guess I didn't heal completely. I sighed and unwrapped every other bandage that was on my head, arm, body and legs. Nothing was out of place other then slight pain that could be easily dealt with.

I shook my head and slowly put my feet onto the ground from the bed. The cold surface of the birch wood planks made a shiver run up spine. With a moment of hesitation I stood almost instantly losing my balance. I crouched gripped the bd and rubbed my ankle. Hurts like hell. Sprained. Way to go.

I sat back down sighed. A glass of water was on the night stand. I wonder where Israphel is now. Did I kill him?

The iron door creaked open a little and I slowly turned my head towards it careful not cause any more headaches or dizziness.

A shadow entered. Only a shadow. No actual person. Confusion overflowed me. It looked like a creeper. Whit eyes, creeper figure, stood literally on the wall. What is that?

The door closed again and the creature snaked across the ground to me and stopped on the wall by the nightstand. It declined its head and bowed.

I blinked, - Who are you?- the words came out more as a cough. Only then I realised how dry my throat was. Before it could speak I raised my finger and took a sip of the water. The cool liquid soothing my thirst. I drank it all in one go.

It waited until I put the glass down and then said, - I don't know.-

I stared at it, - What's your name then?- Gotta be careful with words, Daniel.

It hesitated for a moment or two, - Mailo.-

I nodded, - Daniel.-

It looked straight into my eyes, - Your friends are on the move to the castle.-

My eyes widened. To Israphel's castle? He didn't die afterall.

- The army went with them.- he continued before I could speak again.

I ran my hand through my hair. They think I'm dead.

- A nurse took you here when they found you, then put you here.-

- You saved me didn't you?- I asked and looked at Mailo this time. He didn't seem hostile, or a bad guy at that.

He nodded. - I can't let you die. He changed me into this, and you equal his strength.-

Footsteps were heard outside the door then someone tried to push the door open. It looked to be locked from the inside.

- We need to go.- Mailo continued.

My gaze shifted to him, - Where?-

- After them. Can you teleport?-

I concentrated and reached out to my pool of energy. It was slowly regenerating. There was enough to teleport though. - Yeah. Hold on.-

The creeper stepped down on to the ground, his feet touching my own shadow. He nodded.

I stood shifting my weight onto my healthy foot and concentrated closing my eyes.

When I opened them again we stood inside the throne room.



Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait (or what it?)

There's only a few more chapters to go lads!

What do you think will happen? Mailo finally arrived and now they're heading off. Can he be trusted? What will happen to the King and Veronica? How is Israphel doing? Comment below what you think!

I'll see ye in the next chapter! ;) Make sure to vote and comment!

DJ out!

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