Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Fail or Victory?

<< ??? POV >>>

" He died... I failed my master... No, he never said so.... He never said anything... It can't be... Was he even my master? He may be... But never said so... Never said anything..."


It's been a week since the world's gone crazy.... All i can do is shift my place from wall to wall as a useless shadow. You can only see my eyes and the shape I currently look as, which is a creeper. Although I can easly change chapes.

You must be curious of what exactly I am, and aince there's nothing left for me to do, I'll tell you with pleasure.

My name is... Well i don't exactly have a name, the people that walk by my cell call me X543. I don't know what that means so I just call myself Mailo. I am- Well i WAS, a lonely creeper that was walking around searching for something exciting like every other creeper does.

But then one day someone approached me, of course I was ready to attack if he attacked. But then his eyes turned bright red and hypnotized me. Then the world went black.

When I woke up again, I noticed that I was tied onto an operation table with a blinding light above me.

I'm not sure what happened next but it was a lot of pain. Something like torture. At one point I wanted them to kill me instead of living through that hell. Then after some time, I felt wierd and fresh at the same time. And I was put into this cell. I got turned into a normal shadow that you would see behind yourself when walking in the sun. It was scary at first but I got used to use. Finding out of what I could change shqoe into was actually pretty fun, but the one thing I disliked and still do is that I just can't get off the wall. It's impossible...

Everyday I tried to get out from this cell, to escape and be free... But to no avail, even the key hole was secured so that I wouldn't go through it...

Today was different. When i travelled in circles around the cell, from the key hole a small light produced. Could it be? Did it- Did it finally open up?

I looked through the tiny hole and nearly screamed with glee. In fact, it WAS open! And I could finally get out!but what about the boy?

I looked back at his lifeless body, his blood dried out and skin gone way too pale. I guess I have to leave him here... The poor boy...

I glanced back at his body one more time and then shrunk in size and slipped through the hole. When I was on the other side, I changed back to normal and looked around. The hall was pure white making it seem way too bright for my eyes. I'm not used to brightness yet, but I have to go in case anyone sees me. You see, black can be seen very easly on white. Or so they say.

I walked down the hall catious of anything that could pop up. There were many other cells placed in the walls. This guy who made this is insane! Who would want to keep these innocent people caged up like animals and experiment on them like on me?! Jeez!

As I turned a corner a set of stairs came into my view, they were leading up. What other choice do I have? I have to chance it or go back to live in a cell for the rest of my life probably.

I walked up the stairs as quietly as I could. With every step the blocks started to lose their brightness and change their colour into dark purple. Obsidian walls? What for?

Now this will be easier if anyone finds me, I won't be seen as clearly now. Being pitch black has some pluses afterall, but my eyes didn't help at all. They were still white, even if i squinted.

I reached another hallway, going through it slowly but steadly.

From what I heard, humans think that 'mobs' are just heartless beasts that go around killing others. Well that's wrong. I am a creeper, amd always was, but I never attack until I am threatened. It wouldn't make any sense if I just started attacking. That would make me aggressive, and I don't want that. But ye humans still go around killing them like if there was no tomorrow. As I said earlier, I never wanted to leave the kid behind, but what good would it do if I took a dead body with me? Others would think I'm a murder....

Still don't believe me we are peacefull?

Oh I'll probe you we aren't bad a t all! Just you wait and see for yourself! When I get out of this dump, I'll show you just what I was talking about!

And then, may the odds be forever in your favour!



*runs away*

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