Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Into the fire.

The moon shone high above the sky, a few dark clouds beginning to appear and crawl towards the silver croissant waiting to devour it whole. Wind begin to pick up swooping up fallen leaves, the trees swayed in one direction. It wouldn't be long before the approaching storm begun.

I ran, my feet almost gliding across the grass covered forest, hair half blocking my vision and muscles burning. That had to be ignored. A sword hung from my side, I didn't plan on summoning my sword any time soon- or at least hoped not to.

After Mailo explained the situation to me and how he knew everything I packed everything I needed, through some leather armour on myself to reduce a little bit of damage yet not slow me down. The shadow trailed close behind me somehow keeping up at my pace. I glanced up several times noticing a bird flying right above me at the same speed. I knew my run was faster than a normal human but it wasn't anything special due to my injuries.

I used the spell again. I had to if I wanted to set out. My ankle for definitely sprained if not broken and flying was out of the question. I have to conserve as much energy as I can, I thought to myself, or I'll be fresh food for his beasts.

How would I kill him though? He's much stronger than me. Element of surprise? Maybe a bomb? Set him on fire? I sighed internally, all my ideas were either really bad or plain stupid, whichever you prefer. But then again the simple thought of killing another person sends butterflies into my stomach. I shook my head and through the thoughts away. No, don't think about it. He has hurt way more people than anyone.

With my senses all blocked out, and stupid to do so, a glint to my right caught my attention then a pair or interlaced rocks hurled straight at me. I pushed my feet forward to halt but was too slow as the shackles wrapped around my waist and arms. I yelped as I got shoved back into a tree hitting my head off of the trunk. A groan escaped me as I squeezed my eyes shut, the headache I had earlier returning. A constant throb against my skull.

I glanced up and begin to struggled against the ropes intertwined with the two rocks. I stood gritting my teeth as the ropes dug into my skin and muscles, a slight hint of blood trickled down my arm. A pair of footsteps approached from behind. I struggled to take my sword out but finally succeeded with the help of my legs and ground and turned around to the invaders, the blade pointed at them. I can't imagine how stupid I looked in that moment.

Two skeletons stood side by side, one with a bow the other with a katana. Both arrow and blade pointed at me. One of them shouted back at most likely their comrades, -It's him!'

My heartbeat quickened, there wasn't much I could do much more swing the sword around. I was screwed.

-Hold your weapons.- An all too-familiar voice called in a hurry just as the archer prepared to shoot. The mobs' heads turned back to watch as the one and only King came running. Veronica right beside him.

The King stopped five blocks away while Veronica wrapped her arms at me. I swear that if I didn't move my blade away she's be dead by now. I gasped as she nearly threw me back again. I looked down at her in astonishment. She looked up and took out a dagger cutting the ropes free with a few swipes. I shielded my sword and rubbed the rashes on my skin. -What a way to greet me.-

- We thought you were dead.- Veronica spoke before the King could. He only nodded back at his guards who turned and returned to their posts.

- Well I'm not.- I turned to look at the two white eyes staring at the commotion from a tree, - Thanks to this guy.-

Veronica stared at the creeper, the skeleton approached me and stared straight into my eyes with his empty eyesockets. Then out of nowhere his fist collided with my nose. Metallic liquid trickled into my mouth. I coughed and leaned against a tree in pain. Veronica rushed over and gave a death stare to the king who was quickly answered, - This is gor going nuts.-

I waved my hand, - Yeah yeah. I deserve it. Thanks.- I rolled my eyes and wiped my nose sending another wave of pain through my skull.

He exchanged a few words with the shadow who seemed more than glad that now he had an official permission to assist the raid.

- I'm fine, I'm fine.- I assured standing up. She cracked a fake smile.

- Come on, you'll rest properly in the caravan. You're a wreck.- The king said bluntly and began walking towards the small caravan. Daniel and Veronica soon followed, all eyes on them, Mailo following close behind.


I lay sprawled again the couch, his eyes closed. The other two sitting on two chairs opposite to me. The last hour was a non-stop question answering interview. I answered all I knew, told them about Mailo, how I got out, about my ankle and how I secretly sneaked out of the city. Mailo contributed to the story in a few parts, but he mostly stayed silent and listened in. Then it came time to their story filling me in on everything.

- Now to get you into the whole plan.- The skeleton begin. I turned my head to look at him with one eye, everything a little blurry due to the torch inside. - We have not thought that you'd be with us so we're gonna have to change it a little. Ready?-

I nodded with my head. - OK.- he took a deep breath,- Starting off with when we arrive at the hideout, we hope to arrive before he can assembly any army or something in that style. He will obviously be weakened thanks to you so he won't attack up front. Out army will fight in the fronts, if there are any, and if not we will destroy the walls for you to get in. We will go with you along with a few of out soldiers and Crawford. We will find Israphel and kill him.-

I shook my head. I honestly didn't think that just that would be sufficient enough to kill him.

- Daniel look, you have us, and we will help you.- Veronica began but I cut her off.

- He won't die so easily. He'll probably cheat anyway, teleport here in there.-

- We'll supply ourselves in good armour, magic buffs and Notch knows what the wizard will come up with. We just can't give up and it's worth the try.-

- You're not telling everything.- I mumbled.

- No, we will discuss this further when we are actually inside. None of us knows what to expect.- the King sighed.

- Fadom did.- I said turning my gaze away from them again. I remember it clearly; he used to work for Israphel. A sudden feeling of emptiness and hurt gripped my heart. He can't help us anymore.

- Forget about it for now. Let's rest. There's four hours left until we arrive.- Veronica stood and sat herself on the other side of the couch. She tipped her head back unto the back pillow, - We need the energy.-

I couldn't agree more with her.



Hello evryone! Another chapter! Getting closer and closer to the ending ;^;

Now, before you say anything i got lost in which person I was writing in the middle so there cqn be first person suddenly switching to third person and so forth xD oh well.

What do you guys thing? And what is this? Is Veronica having sumffin sumffin for Daniel? ôuō Comment below what you think!

DJ out!

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